How Dogs Help Psychiatric Patients

As weird and unusual as it may seem dogs are succeeding where psychiatrist have failed. Pets are actually invading mental hospitals, nursing homes, and institutions for handicapped and retarded children. A Dr. Calabro of the Feeling Heart Foundation explains how dogs are accomplishing this: The problem is that many of these residents that live in these institutions often do not interact with anyone, and are isolated. They have nothing to do and are unloved. The dogs help to break through these so called shells.

He also explains that dogs give unconditional love, security and warmth with no strings attached. Most psychiatric doctors just prescribe drugs and leave it at that. Animals do not exactly cure people but they help to open avenues of communication. Dogs also help to alleviate some of the patients anxiety’s. They began to feel needed, and enjoy having the responsibility. Did you know that in a children’s psychiatric hospital in Michigan a mixed breed dog roams a ward offering its companionship to any child that may be in need? Just think about how warm and affectionate a dog can be. It is very hard to resist.

It has also been proven that pets can help with physical ailments as well. The University of Maryland Hospital in Baltimore found that heart patients with dogs had a much better chance of survival after they left the hospital than those without. As people grow older they often end up feeling abandoned, and useless. A dog can help to fill this void. Did you know that researchers have also found that having a dog helps to reduce blood pressure. Although having a pet is not for everyone there is a huge benefit for certain persons.

More and more hospitals are following this trend with some of their patients. Usually it is only used on those patients that are not helped by the standard or traditional treatment. This is in no way suggesting that it replaces the older methods. Sometimes pets help people open up a whole new world especially for those who may be dealing with a disability. There are many programs that provide pets for sick or elderly people. These people get so much joy from the time that they spend with their pet. A unique bond is actually formed between the two.

If you have a family member who is currently going to a psychiatrist and has been going for quite some time. Why not talk to their doctor about getting them a dog to help them. You will also want to make sure that you discuss this over with the individual as well. First you will want to find out how they feel about dogs. You can even give them kind of a trial run, maybe take them to one of the organizations that provides pets for people with special needs. They are usually very helpful about finding the right dog or companion for each individual. Like I stated earlier in this article dogs are not for everyone, but you will want to keep in mind that there are numerous breeds of dogs.

And they also each have very unique and different personalities which is why it is also very important to make sure that you do your research to make sure that you pick the breed that is best for the individual. Usually they will provide an experienced person for you to interact with at these animal organizations. To find out which organizations are in your area you can first ask the doctor or you can contact your local state or county office. They usually have a listing of these special organizations for public use.

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