How I Use Associated Content Page Views

I started writing short articles here at Associated Content in November of 2006. I enjoy writing and it was my belief that writing articles for Associated Content would supplement my income while I finished up writing my book. Yes I am one of those writers that are writing the great American novel. Actually it is a romance novel, but you understand now my motivation a little better.

I am though, and always have been, curious as to my page views and “hits”. I enjoy seeing how many people come by my website to read my blog , and I use Stat Counter on the main page of my website just so I can see how many people and where they come from. I guess you could say I am noisy. It is with much anticipation that I wait for Associated Content to update the page views of the articles I have written.

When they do update it always amazes me what articles get read, and which ones don’t do as well as I thought that they would. Articles that I have written on the spur of a moment seem to do better than the articles that I have spent time researching. It is up to me to sit down, now that the page views have updated and find the trend. It is this reason that I wait impatiently.

I enjoy writing. But I also enjoy getting paid to write. I will always write what I want to, that won’t change. I can also write those articles for Associated Content that will get me read more and be able to build my fan base. This may sound a bit self centered, but every writer wants to be read and have their work appreciated. It is my theory that if I can get someone to read a bit of my work that they will venture to read more of it.

Now granted at the time of this writing I only have a clout 5 on Associated Content. I signed up in November but had not seriously started submitting articles until the past month or so. Take that as my background to offer this information. I am not a clout 10, I have not actually gotten paid for my page view yet, as I have not reached that elusive fifteen dollar amount to get paid. It is my goal though to reach and surpass that mark and to get paid for my page views.

If this is going to be a goal that is reachable then I have to take a look at what works for me. It is similar to finding your niche, only with writing and not marketing. If you are writing what you want often times the only person who will read your articles are those that have the same interest as you. Most Content Producers at Associated Content have a broad base of articles. I have written about everything from Acai berries to Summer Water Safety for Kids . Both of these topics did not do so well in the page views. What articles did do well? The articles on What to Get Mom on Mother’s Day and an article I wrote on Wildfires in Georgia did the best out of recent articles. So I don’t see any clear set trends here, I do see what my readers and readers out there that aren’t necessarily my readers are looking for.

What to take away from what I am writing today? Well pay attention. Pay attention to what? Pay attention to what your readers are reading. This new Page View from Associated Content is nice for pay, but it is also an awesome tool. Use it to your advantage. See what people out there want to read. Bring them in to read those articles and maybe you will get them hooked on the articles that you wrote because they are themes close to your heart. Write what you love, but also write what will get read. Find a happy medium between the two and you will be on your way to successful writing at Associated Content.

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