How Luxury Pet Appointments Are Impacting the Real Estate Market

I’m a pet owner. I have keep 3 tanks of fish in my home. I know to your average dog or cat owner feel that fish are barely a pet. Since I do not walk or need to excessively feed the fish its hardly a labor. I keep a tank on each floor of my home with a concept of having constant flowing water and peace. I also like the neat clean look of fish tanks. I’d always considered other pets to much of a hassle.

Most people with Dogs or Cats consider them a part of the family. Many pet owners do not have children and consider the dog or cat their real kids. I’ve had many a conversation where pet owner say I have to go home to the children referring exclusively to their pet. While I like the idea of having a dog, I see more challenges to keeping a pet than it would be worth to me. I didn’t want to have a pet out side in a home that quite frankly detracted from the house. I also didn’t want to have a pet that was a constant presence in my home. I’m not a big fan of having pet hairs all over everything. Being in the Home Improvement Business, I never though anything pet related would catch my eye. However, one day I met a fellow contractor that is specialized in the business. He is Eunix Thomas and his company “Home Creations Pet Condos” specializes in building Luxury Pet Homes.

What are Home Creations and Pet Condos

As the name of his company indicates (Home Creations Pet Condos), Mr. Thomas specialized in building Luxury Custom Pet Homes. When we say custom pet homes, we really do mean custom. Some of the Pet Condos and Homes Creation I’ve seen are immaculate. The homes look more like Barbie doll house than a pet home. One company specializes in both custom pet homes and play homes. Some business came into the market as a hobby to fulfill a need. The demand for custom pet home increase so much that they made it a full market segment.

Through Home Creations Pet Condos, Mr. Thomas seeks to understand the home owners needs. He then specs out a plan to meet both the ecstatic needs and the desire of the home owners budget. With the classic contractor focus, Home Creations keep the focus on getting the project done on time and within budget.

What Home Creation Pet Condos owner does that is different

Home Creation Pet Condos owner focuses his business on his local Maryland, DC and Virginia markets. He help people add value to their real estate through the luxury pet condos. The basic appointments can be simple. In some cases, people have requested home that match their mailboxes, and a miniature home for their pet ad children in the back. As a home improvement contractor, he is able to get the specific of their needs met through the customizable creation.

What do Home Creations and Pet Condos Cost

The cost seems to vary a great deal. The lowest luxury pet condos I found cost roughly $999. The pet home was basic and not to much different than your average dog house. Some of the elaborate custom dog homes ran into over $20,000. Some of these home came with:

* Windows
* Lighting
* Crown Molding
* Double Hung Doors
* Stairs
* Cooling and Heated systems
* Marble Floors
* Bedding for your pet inside and out

You do get more value out of the more expensive pet condos. You will also see a slight bump in the value of your home with the additional appointments. If you are marketing your home in a down market. You might see significant impact with pet owners looking for a nice home. The Pet Condos are more often than not for the home owner that wants their pet to live well too.

With the consideration of Home Creations and Pet Condos, my eyes are open to the idea of pet ownership. I’m now considering fulfilling my sons wish of having a dog. Now if they would only ad a build in commode in the luxury dog home and teach the pets how to use them, I’d be completely sold.

I hope you have a blessed and prosperous day.

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