How Many Pets Are Too Many Pets to Have on Your Property?

I know this is a strange topic, but just today I was reading about a woman in Springfield, MO that was arrested for having 400 animals on her property. I can understand this if you have the proper help and money to care for these animals properly. The report I was reading said some of the animals were dead and the others were living in filth.

I think having more than one pet in an apartment is ridiculous if you work full-time and you live alone with little time to spend with your pet. If you have a spouse and or children that are willing to help on a daily basis, then you should be allowed to have as many pets as your lease will allow. On the other hand if you live in a house with a backyard and fence then you should have a way for the pet or pets to seek shelter in the event of bad weather. Your pet should be on a schedule for bowel movements so that the smell will not be offensive to your neighbors on hot summer days.

I can remember a few years ago I saw on the news that some guy that was living in low income housing projects had a snake living in the bathtub and a pitbull living in the spare bedroom. The apartment was filthy with animal waste and uneaten food. How does someone on a fixed government income afford to have these exotic animals? Why did it take someone that lives next door to report a foul smell before this is discovered? According to the report the guy was mentally ill. This brings another question, if he is diagnosed as being mentally ill, why was he allowed to have animals? I am sure that mentally ill people has someone to visit them at home, like a visiting home nurse. In a housing project in New York, there was a guy that had a 400-pound tiger and 280-pound alligator living with him. They guy with the tiger and alligator would have been safe from authorities if they tiger did not bite him. The guy went to the hospital to get the bite treated but told the doctors in the emergency room that the bite was from a dog. They looked at the bite and knew that no dog could leave teeth marks like that.

I know a lot of people love pets because they make great companions but they are just like children, they depend on us to make sure they have clean water to drink, daily exercise and daily baths. I hate to think about animals in a hot car, apartment or backyard all day without water, food or access to shelter. You will know you have too many pets when you come home and there is trash and waste all over the house from today and yesterday. You will know when you have too many pets when two of your pets have sores, but you can only take one to the veterinarian.

Pet lovers please use common sense when choosing a pet. You should also avoid having endangered species or exotic animals as pets as they tend to need more attention than domestic animals. It always amazes me how people smuggle endangered species into the United States.

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