How Neo-Conservatives Are Ruining America

The neo-conservative movement has taken over our country. They have taken personal values and twisted them for use in their own political purpose. “Family Values” no longer means parents who care for their children and try hard to do what is best for them. That term has been stolen by a self-righteous group. Now “family values” is a term for people who think and act like us. If your values include tolerance and respect for other people’s choices even if they are different than what you would choose, your are accused of having no values.

Everything is an either/or proposition with these people. Open debate and compromise are impossible under these conditions. “You are either with us or against us.” Sound familiar? What if you are 100% in favor of going after the terrorists but you don’t think their plan will work. How does that fit in? Everything is phrased this way. If you don’t support MY Medicare reform proposal, you are against Medicare reform. No counter proposals, no discussion of ideas, accept what they say or you are the enemy.

Our constitution was written as a compromise. The authors didn’t agree on much. Deciding on representation was an issue of contention. Two representatives per state or based on population? A compromise was reached. Some wanted the executive branch to be a group of men – all equal. Others wanted a Prime Minister. The Presidency was a compromise. The issue of slavery could have killed the constitution. This was a very divisive issue. An agreement was reached to basically do nothing on the issue of slavery for at least 20 years in order to allow the discussion to continue. I wonder what would have happened if every discussion and every compromise had a mandate on slavery attached to it in order to either get their way (whichever side of the issue the person was on) or kill the compromise. What would have happened if one side had taken the position “either you accept my plan for representation or you are against a representative form of government.” Would we even have a constitution? If no amendments had been made to accommodate the objections of some of the states; If the authors had said that it must be accepted as is or not at all, would we have a constitution? We certainly would not have a Bill Of Rights.

If these people don’t like what someone is saying and can’t counter the argument with logic, they go on the attack. Liberal is used as though it is a bad thing. They have taken the word liberal and used it as derogatory term. I would really like to ask Ann Coulter where the world would be if Jesus had told the Lepers that they had to get away from him because they weren’t like him? What message would we have gotten if he had not said “Forgive them Father …” while hanging on the cross?

They have taken all of the compassion, understanding, and service to others out of religion. They have turned religion into a tool to condemn and punish others. I don’t recall anywhere in the Bible where Jesus tried to force anyone to follow him. If someone follows a religion because they are forced, not because they chose it, it becomes meaningless and hollow.

They have tarnished our image and damaged our credibility on the world stage. They have decided that they way to spread democracy to the world is by force. Just to make myself clear, I am PRO democracy. Just because I don’t agree with their methods don’t think that I am saying that democracy is something that would harm other countries. My first question is that if someone from outside the country comes in and forces the dismantling of a government and a new one established, is it truly democracy? Did the people actually mandate it? Next, force is not an acceptable method. Aid, guidance, incentives, and setting a good example are the ways to spread democracy effectively. If my teenage daughter is dating a boy that I am sure is wrong for her. If I am sure that he will be a bad influence, mistreat her, and break her heart, am I justified in locking her in her bedroom and forcing her to stay away from him by refusing her access to a telephone or computer and keeping her in her room? Is that the best way to get someone to come around to your way of thinking? If not, how is it different than the neo-conservative position of spreading democracy by force? Their position is that they are just wanting to help and democracy is best for them and that justifies the methods. They have completely disregarded international law, most notably the Convention Against Torture.

Their mean-spirited, hateful rhetoric directed at those who disagree with them has caused division in neighborhoods and even families. If one family member agrees with their position, and others oppose it, how can it not cause division. Their position does not allow for respect for opinions other than their own. I have had family members stop speaking to me completely because I dared to express an opinion different than the opinion of Sean Hannity. It is not in my nature to stand by and allow an intolerant hurtful comment (even if it is not directed at me) to go unchallenged. Just as if I heard someone make a racist comment and did not say anything – silence implies agreement. I said what my conscience told me to say, I stood up for someone who is from a different culture who was not there to defend themselves. The result was this family member acting as though I no longer exist. “Family Values” really?

One of the things that I love about this country is that there is such diversity. I have learned so much by talking and associating with people who are from different backgrounds. I love that people can be who they are, that they don’t have to conform if they don’t want to. I love that anyone can express an opinion and speak out without fear that the government will come after them for saying something against their position. The neo-conservatives want to take this away from us. They want people to be afraid to speak out against them out of fear of what name they will be called or being put on some watch list. The constitution of Communist China bans any expression that is contrary to the Communist Party. Is that what we want? I don’t. They want to force everyone to be like them. They want to take away our choices. They are destroying everything I love about this country and calling anyone who tries to stop them anti-American for speaking out against it.

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