How Not to Take a Shower While Spring Cleaning Your Cellar

The joys of spring are sometimes dampened by the words spring-cleaning that strike fear in the hearts of many families across the United States each spring. I have a way to make some excitement here, yes, spring-cleaning does not have to be unexciting, nor does it have to bring down your springtime excitement.

There is no firm rule that says spring-cleaning has to take place in the spring, it can occur anytime we want it too, I have already begun spring-cleaning in my cellar last week, and when that is done, I am coming up stairs and taking care of business.

My house, which is just a tad less than 1,000 square feet, has an unfinished cellar of the same square footage, which is now used for storage. My washing machine, a chest freezer, one of the couches, and the hot water heater are the only possessions I desire to leave there, I am tired of seeing the other stuff.

I got the cellar about half cleaned last week, and this weekend Ray and I will be working on it some more, a few hours at a time is about all I can take because it is unheated and we are in a very cold spell here right now but it is the perfect time for spring-cleaning.

I am sure it would not take so long if I did not have to examine each and everything down there, as there is a wealthy of memories down there in each toy, each article of clothing that my teenagers have long outgrown. Being down there means I am not up here being interrupted by knocks on the door by well meaning people who have come for a visit.

I can take a radio down there, crank it and the concrete walls act as a huge amplifier making the music seem much louder, I am lost in my own world, happy as a clam doing spring-cleaning. Unfortunately I have not spring cleaned down there in years, do not get me wrong I have cleaned there, but not to this degree, every thing must go simply because it is not needed.

I was also using the time I spent down there spring-cleaning the other day to wash some clothes, the first load went great as did the second load of clothes I put the third load in and it was fine. I went to sweep behind the washer and had to lift the water hose up to sweep under it, the hose went flying out of the machine and water went everywhere quickly as the washer began to spin out at that point in time.

Oh my gosh what a mess, I was soaked all over the right side of my body as I tried to put the hose back into the washer, I finally got smart and turn the washing machine off. Where else can you get a shower at the same time as you are spring-cleaning but this was a very cold shower in a very cold cellar? When I glanced around at the cellar, I noticed that the water had spread very quickly and was about a quarter ways across the floor of the cellar.

What could I do but laugh about it, after I said the choose curse words and went up stairs to change, and who says spring-cleaning cannot be fun, this is why I did not finish the cellar last week when I begun it, but this weekend Ray says he will help.

Having a huge open space such as this has allowed the cellar to be used for many things over the years, including a racecar track and a schoolroom. The kids used to ride their bikes and ride on toys down there in the winters and the concrete walls were massive black boards that they could write upon to their hearts desire with a rainbow of colored chalk.

My three children seemed to be down there a lot, as well as various nieces, nephews, and kids from the neighborhood, it was loud, but everyone seemed to be having fun. All of these children have left their mark on the walls of the cellar during the years but it will be so easy to spray the walls and wash the remaining creations down the drain. With having an unfinished cellar you can hose the walls, and wash away the whole mess into the drain holes, which reside on the floor, that is the beauty of concrete walls when one is spring cleaning.

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