How Stepmoms Can Get Along With the Stepchildren and the Ex

The kids whether small kids or even teenagers may be in a power struggle and refuse to behave. The ex wife will probably try the power struggle game with you and your husband. It isn’t pretty sometimes. It is best to try to keep peace in the household. You may wonder how it is possible to try to keep peace in the household.
Basically, let the kids know that you love them. Tell the kids that you aren’t the enemy. Let the ex wife know that you aren’t the enemy and you aren’t trying to replace her. Make sure the ex wife knows that you aren’t trying to be the only mom to be her kids. The ex wife usually doesn’t want to feel threatened by you by feeling replaced. Some of them don’t like the idea of their ex husband getting married again. It is usually because she is jealous or unhappy in her life.
She may get jealous if the ex wife is a single mom that is working two jobs to pay the monthly bills. The ex wife may get jealous cause of you and your husband have less stress and more happiness. It could be a number of things. Sure, some ex wifes don’t care if the ex husband gets married again, but most of them do care.
Make sure to talk to the kids. Let them know that you are there for them if they ever need you. Be sweet to them and be fun. They might have a difficult time getting use to the fact of another mom that will take care of them. Make sure to never anything bad about the mom in front of the kids. Always say good things about her. Make sure to be friendly and nice when you talk to their mom.
You want the kids to feel comfortable. You can help the kids with homework and take them shopping. Just make sure to spend time with them. You can always take the girls shopping for clothes or talk about the boys at school. Kids want to feel like that you can understand them. Girls that are teenagers want to feel like that they can talk to you about anything. Teenage girls want a mom in their life that will give them advice.
It is especially important to not the kids walk all over you though. You have to make sure that they aren’t spoiled. You want to teach them how to be a responsible person so when they get older it isn’t as difficult for them. They need to learn how to cook food and clean. They need to learn about money and how to manage it.