How To Get Rid of the Clutter in Your Home

The first step is to toss items that you do not use. The majority of people do not realize the amount of items they have in there house that they do not need or use and this takes up valuable space. How many Tupperware containers or cups do you really need? If you have to open your cabinets and be ready to catch something falling out then you have too much. Keep only what you truly need and you will be surprised how big your overflowing cabinets really are. This also applies to closets. Sort your clothes into piles (toss, keep, donate) if you haven’t worn it in the last year give it up.

Take advantage of every space available. Use under the bed storage (these containers will also fit under most couches), if you have narrow closets hang an additional clothes rack above the current one, install extra shelf’s in closets, and store out of season clothes in the attic.

Designate a place for everything it will save you from buying a duplicate item because you can’t find the first one.

Sort and shred mail frequently in order to avoid a pile up.

Do a 15 minute pickup everyday. Put misplaced items in the rightful place and your house will always look nice and you can find things easily

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