How Women Can Get Their Husbands to Get Tested for Colon Cancer!

One of the reasons why it is so difficult to get your husband to the doctor on a yearly basis is because most men are just plain stubborn. Some even feel that it is not manly if they go to the doctor every year, and that in some way it makes them feel or appear weak. One way that a wife can get her husband to the doctor for their yearly checkup is by letting them know the dangers of not going. Keep in mind that many men feel that if something is wrong they will just drop dead. But unfortunately what usually ends up happening is that they will have a heart attach�© or stroke and end up partially paralyzed. I realize that most women do not want to make their husbands worry, but the only way that you are going to get them to the doctor is by putting a little bit of fear into their heart.
Another tactic is to just make the appointment and take them to the doctor yourself. Don’t tell them where you are going, just tell them that you made an appointment and they have to go along. I have tried this several times and have been successful. I have also spoken to other women who have tried this strategy and they all say the same thing, it works. Usually once they get there they are too embarrassed to just get up and leave. If they walk out of the doctor’s office and make a big scene it will then make them appear to be a coward. If there is one thing that men hate that’s to be called a cowered especially in front of other people. Of course you will not be able to do this every year, but if you can at least get him to one visit then it is worth the effort.
If you would like to learn more about yearly physicals for men then you should take the time to visit the following websites:,,, You can also find some additional articles that may be helpful to you right here at associated content the link is,…/the_top_four_health_concerns_for_men.html.