How to Acclimatize Fish

When you bring home a new fish, you’ll need to spend some time to acclimatize them. This will prevent shock and help your fish adapt to their new environment. Fish do not like sudden changes in temperature. Follow these simple steps to acclimatize fish.

Before bringing your new fish home, it’s a good idea to have their new habitat all set up and ready to go. If you are putting your fish into an aquarium, make sure it’s been cleaned and filled with room temperature water. Make sure all the filters, lights, etc. are in place as well.

If you are putting the fish into a garden pond, the same rules apply. Make sure everything is in place so the fish can start living in their new home as soon as possible. Now, you only have to acclimatize them once you bring them home.

How to Acclimatize Fish – Step #1

The first step you’ll take to acclimatize fish is to float the sealed bag with the fish inside on the surface of the water for about half an hour. This will allow the water in the bag to reach the same temperature as the water in the aquarium or the pond.

If you need to acclimatize fish to live in a pond and the pond is in direct sunlight, cover the plastic bag with a newspaper, cloth or something that will shade the bag without sinking it.

Do not just dump the fish from the bag into the water. This will cause shock and can even cause death if the difference in water temperature is too drastic.

How to Acclimatize Fish – Step #2

The second step you’ll take to acclimatize fish is to open the sealed bag with the fish inside. Allow some of the pond water to seep into the bag with the fish but do not submerge it. Leave the opened bag in the water for about ten minutes or so, then move on to the next step to acclimatize fish.

How to Acclimatize Fish – Step #3

The final step you’ll take to acclimatize fish is to gently slip the fish into the water of the aquarium or pond. Do not dump them or tip them. This must be done gently.

The fish will probably head for the bottom of the tank or pond and stay there until it becomes familiar with its surroundings. Don’t be alarmed as this is normal behavior. If you have learned to successfully acclimatize fish, your new pet will be fine.

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