How to Add Moisture to the Air in Your Home

I don’t have room for my humidifier in my rented townhouse apartment, but I’ve found several ways to add moisture to the air in my home. Any method of adding moisture to the air will significantly cut down on static cling, sudden painful shocks, and hair standing on end. The following easy ways to add moisture to the air will help keep your home more comfortable this fall and winter and make life far less shocking. Best of all, you don’t need a humidifier.
Simmering Potpourri
I love the scent of vanilla, musk, and cinnamon, and what better way to fill your house with the scents you love and the moisture you need than with simmering potpourri? Instead of using a small potpourri simmering pot that would add much moisture to the air, use a larger pot on the stove. The steam will fill the air with moisture while filling your home with your favorite scents. Your home will also feel warmer as a result of adding much needed moisture to the air.
Cook on Top of the Stove
Cooking on top of the stove also adds valuable moisture to the air. Instead of baking potatoes in the oven, cook them on top of the stove, and allow the steam to escape into the air. Boil water for pasta or for any other stovetop meals that involve boiling water. Not only will you accomplish preparing part of your meal, but you’ll also add moisture to the air instead of drying the air further by using the oven.
Do You Have a Wood Burning Stove?
If you have a wood burning stove, take further advantage of the radiant heat it provides by placing a heat-resistant container of water on top. As the wood burning stove heats your home, the bowl of water will evaporate and add valuable moisture to the air. The heat the wood burning stove emits will feel warmer and more comfortable than ever before. Toss in a little potpourri, a few cinnamon sticks, vanilla beans, or pumpkin pie spice, and you’ll freshen the air at the same time!
Take Baths Instead of Showers
Hot showers can definitely steam up the bathroom in no time flat, but if you take hot baths instead of hot showers you can take further advantage of the moisture the steaming water provides. Shower water goes down the drain, but bath water can be retained until it gets cold. After taking a bath, leave the water in the tub for an hour or two after you’re finished, but be sure to take safety precautions if you have small children who could fall in.
Decorative Bowls of Water
Water doesn’t have to be heated to add moisture to the air in your home. Invest in several decorative bowls, and strategically place them around the house. You can even add a few artificial flowers or floating candles. The water will evaporate and add moisture to the air, and you won’t have rely on gas, electricity, or spend any more than the price of decorative bowls and ordinary tap water.