How to Add Sealant to Patio Tiles

You can spend thousands of dollars to have somebody seal your tiles or you can do it yourself. Doing it yourself will cost you a lot less- it will save you hundreds of dollars-, but it will require dedication, perseverance, and patience. It may require a few weeks to seal a large area. To start you will need the following supplies:
Supplies Needed
- 1. Low Voc sealant water based and non-toxic
- 2. 1 Large painting brush
- 3. 1 pair of high quality impenetrable thick gloves
- 4. 1 3M High quality Ventilation mask
- 5. 1 small broom and tray
- 6. 1 wet rag
- 7. 1 dry rag to dry individual tiles
- 8. 1 tray to hold sealant
- 9. 1 powdered Glaze ‘N Seal: Grip ‘N Seal (Slip Resistant Additive)
After acquiring all nine of the above materials you can start preparing the area you wish to have sealed. Before you start make sure you have cleaned the tiles you want to seal. You might have to sweep the tiles with your broom and tray, and then use your rags. You may use the wet and dry rags to clean and dry the individual tiles, or an entire section before using the sealant.
It’s best to have a selected area you wish to seal before you start. You can seal circular areas, square areas, or rectangular areas, or triangular areas. I prefer rectangular rows to seal, as they are simple and easy.
Toxic Fumes
Be sure to keep pets, small children, and people away from the work area. If you are sealing tiles indoors, open all of your windows, and keep all living things outdoors. Let the tiles dry for a few hours before allowing people back into the area. Best indicator of when it is safe, is when the fumes are gone.
So once you have cleaned your selected area, be sure to put on your 3M Ventilation mask. Even with low Voc’s you don’t want to breathe the sealant -it is toxic to you. The second thing you do is to put on your thick gloves. You can get all these supplies at Osh.
It is the solvent based lacquers that have the worst fumes. They create the shiniest appearance but are extremely hazardous to your health. Know the health risks before choosing a solvent based lacquer. Read the labels carefully.
Due to the toxicity I would recommend a water based very low Voc sealant. I like the 686 Plus High Gloss Sealer. That is one option. Or you can use the traditional Glaze N Seal, Ole, original formula it is biodegradable.
Mix with Non-slipping Powder
Be sure to mix it with the powder that will make the tiles non-slippery, this is a good idea. It will make the tiles safer for everyone to walk on. Pour the liquid into your tray, and then mix it with a moderate amount of powder. Make sure you mix it thoroughly into the sealant, so there are no particles floating around. You want the sealant to be a pure liquid, so when you apply it you won’t have all these particles of powder on the tiles.
Application of Sealant on Individual Tiles
Now be sure the brush strokes are consistent on all tiles. If you brush horizontally, brush the sealant horizontally on all tiles. If you brush vertically, brush vertically on all tiles. It will look better with the same pattern all throughout. Give it a thorough coat all over the tiles, and repeat.
Depending upon how thick the coat you want, use up to three applications of sealant on one tile for a strong seal. If the tile still darkens when you seal it, it hasn’t been sealed yet. It should already have the coated look, when you apply a 2nd or 3rd coat.
Depending upon the area of your tile, lots of sealant is better than less. The sun, rain, and dirt will erode the sealant after about 1-3 seasons. The less exposure to the elements the longer your sealant will last.
So after sealing the individual tile, continue to seal every tile within your selected area. You may only complete one area per day. Once all individual areas are complete you will have finished your project; and your indoor or outdoor tiles will be sealed.
Dry Time
The tiles will dry the entire day. So you’ll want to keep out of the area where the tiles are at. If working indoors, it is preferable to put on fewer coats, because the tiles will stay sealed for a long time since the exposure to elements is eliminated. Further you don’t want people or small pets breathing the fumes while drying. The fewer coats, the faster the sealant will dry.
For outdoors, make sure the area is off limits to everyone until the next day or when the sealant has totally soaked into the tiles.