How to Apply Textured Plaster

Textured plaster can give your home decor a rich dignified look. In this article we will look at some do it yourself techniques on how to apply textured plaster in your home. There are basically three main ways to apply textured plaster, trowel, roller, and sprayer. We will look at all three in greater detail below. No matter what technique you choose to try, please be sure to practice first on some scrap pieces of drywall first. The key to these techniques is practice. Since plaster mud can be messy to clean up make sure that before starting a project you mask off any wood trim or molding, and that you cover your floor or carpet.

Perhaps the classic textured plaster method is the trowel method. Generally you take some plaster mud already mixed and ready to go. You add some quartz sand to the mix – about one and one half cups per gallon or so of mud. You use a steel trowel which you lay into the mud – then place the steel trowel against the wall in almost a 90 degree angle and draw the trowel across the wall dragging the mud along the wall. Again this technique takes practice – but with the right technique you can create the very classic plaster swirl patterns that you see in many older homes.

The second and slightly more modern method is to use a paint roller. The mud is mixed with some sand and perhaps some latex paint. The rough proportion should be about two parts mud/sand and one part latex paint. After mixing this thoroughly you use a 4 inch paint roller to roll out the mixture on the walls. By painting in different directions you can achieve a very desirable random pattern.

The last major method of applying textured plaster is the spray gun method. Granted this method is perhaps the most advanced of the ones discussed in this article, but it is mentioned because you will be able to get textures which are unique and special only though this process. The air applied plaster has a lighter flecked look to it which is quite attractive. The equipment required for this procedure is a little more involved then for the techniques mentioned above. You will need to obtain an air compressor, hose, a plaster spray applicator. You best bet here is just to go to a professional power tool rental place and just rent the equipment you will need. You power tool rental location is also a great place to ask for some instruction on how to set up the machine and things you will need to do when it comes time to clean it. Purchase some premix air spray texture powder for use in the machine (this is not one where you will want to mix your own) and then mix it up according to the manufactures directions. When ready to begin spraying you should set the compressor to about 45 pounds pressure, and load the spray gun with the texture material. The trick to spaying is to always keep the spray nozzle moving. If you should have to stop moving for any reason – then stop spraying. The texture is best applied in thin coats over the wall until you build up the look you want.

No matter what technique you try, remember to always practice first on a piece of scrap wallboard prior to starting your project. Don’t be afraid to be creative – you may even chose to mix and match the above techniques to your particular situation.

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