How to Apply Wallpaper Easily

While we aren’t going to tell you in depth step by step how to apply wall paper, we know it’s not easy. That is why we aren’t going to give you the steps because we’ll save that for the pros. However, there are some tips that can make the hassle of putting the paper up a bit easier. Are you curious to know what they are? Well, keep reading and we’ll let you in on the few tips that we have.

The first tip is to check the lot numbers on your rolls of wall paper. The safe thing to do is make sure that you order your wall paper all together. This is to ensure that the patterns match up. This means that if they have the same lot number it will match all the other numbers. If you get a different number, not only could the pattern be off, but the color could be off just as well.

The next step is to apply a one inch thick line of white paint along the wall before you go to hang wall paper over dark paint. The reason for this is simple. If you do this then people won’t notice if it didn’t align just right.

Make sure you have all the tools near you before you begin. There are quite a few tools for hanging wallpaper. Here are just the ones we came up with and there might be more according to whose company you are using. Some more basic tools include: seam roller, wall paper smoother, carpenters level, pushpins, steel tape measure, of course scissors, wet sponge, water, and a putty knife.

The hardest part is to make sure that while the paper is booking, it doesn’t dry out. We have looked into tips to help with this. So, to ensure that this doesn’t happen, place it in a large plastic bag.

Another thing to help you hang that wallpaper that you so desire to have is to have a nice utility knife. Make sure that the blade isn’t dull. If it is dull replace it. Using a dull blade could damage the wallpaper. You will also need a sponge make sure you wring the sponge out well so that the sponge is clean when you wipe off excess adhesive. These are the two most common things that people fail to remember. There are more, but for the sake of this article these are the common sense and are easy to forget ones.

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