How to Assemble a Do-It-Yourself Plumber’s Toolbox

If you’re a do-it-yourselfer like me, then you know how important it is to have the proper tools and supplies for common jobs. Learn how to assemble a do-it-yourself plumber’s toolbox and you’ll have the basic necessities on hand all the time. That way, most anytime a plumbing repair pops up, you’ll be ready to take action. Instead of grabbing your car keys to head to the nearest home supply store, you’ll save time because you’ll already be starting to fix the problem.

The first thing you’ll need is a small, portable tool box. Or, you can put your plumbing tools and supplies in a deep, lightweight plastic tray that has a handle. You can probably find either container for cheap at your local dollar store.

Next, you’ll need some basic tools to work on the pipes with. These will include:

1. Adjustable Wrenches
I keep two sizes of adjustable wrenches in my do-it-yourself plumber’s toolbox, a medium and a large size. That way, no matter how small or large the pipe is I’m working on, I’m prepared.

2. Plumbing Wrench
This funny-looking tool is perfect for reaching nuts on supply lines up underneath your household sinks. It has other handy uses when you’re working on plumbing jobs. It’s basically a handle with an adjustable jaw on the end that can be reversed.

3. Pipe Cutter
You can use a hacksaw to cut replacement pieces of plastic or copper piping, but a pipe cutter works the best. It’s quicker, gives an even, straight cut everytime, and it leaves the edges cleaner.

4. Small Hacksaw
A small hacksaw is handy for cutting off broken or damaged lengths of pipes.

5. Pipe Reamer
Whenever you cut a pipe, you’ll create burrs on the inside and outside. A pipe reamer will clean those rough edges up quickly and easily.

6. Flat Blade Screwdriver
This tool is a necessity in your do-it-yourself plumber’s toolbox because it can pop off faucet covers and handles.

7. Pair of Pliers
Pliers are a versatile tool for gripping and turning or pulling. They can be used to hold copper pipe while you’re soldering it too.

8. Propane Torch
A propane torch is a necessity for soldering copper pipes together. It can also be used to thaw frozen copper water pipes, but you have to be extremely careful when you’re using it.

You’ll also need to keep some basic supplies in your plumber’s toolbox:

1. Solder
Of course, this metal alloy is necessary when you need to join copper pipes together.

2. Soldering Paste
Soldering paste is applied to the cleaned ends of copper pipe that you’re going to solder together.
When it melts, it flows into the space between the joints to help create a leak-free connection.

3. Sandpaper
Fine sand paper is necessary to clean off the ends of copper pipe before you solder it.

4. Plastic Pipe Glue
When you’re working with plastic pipe, you’ll need plastic pipe glue to join the pieces together.

5. Heatproof Protective Pad
You’ll need this pad in your do-it-yourself plumber’s toolbox to protect surfaces from the heat when you’re soldering.

6. Extra Lengths of Plastic Pipe or Copper Tubing

7. Extra Supply Lines

All of these tools and supplies are available at your local hardware or home supply store.

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