How to Avoid Being a Bad Kisser

It was as if out of a movie… the sun was setting and we had just sat down on the balcony with a cold glass of fresh lemonade. He looked at me (I was so nervous that I couldn’t even breath) and slowly started to get closer. I knew it was inevitable. This was the moment, that landmark memory that every girl remembers for as long as she lives; the first kiss and mine was going to be perfect. He leaned in, I could feel his breath on my cheek and I quickly turned and kissed his mouth. It was heaven! His lips slightly brushing mine send electricity all through my body and the butterflies were dancing in my stomach. After what seemed like an eternity he gently opened his mouth and rapidly thrust his tongue down my throat. I swear I tried not to spoil the moment, but I couldn’t resist any longer. He was a bad kisser! I was choking and since it was either the kiss or my life, I had to pull away and run back inside.

I’ve since gotten over the incident and prefer to remember the first kiss as a sweet peck from my cutest neighbor, but since bad kissers surpass that “first kiss” stage where mistakes are easily forgiven, here are a few tips so you can succumb a more romantic and satisfying lip lockâÂ?¦

1. Please, please, please, check your breath. Bad breath is the number one turn off when it comes to kissing. Keep mints handy.

2. Relax! It’s just a kiss, if you’re nervous, your partner will notice and will immediately classify you as experience less or, even worse, a bad kisser.

3. Keep it interesting: Stroke her (or his) hair or her back, change the rhythm, and look into her eyes.

4. Be delicate: Don’t bite the tongue; don’t attempt to swallow your partner. Be gentle; don’t jam your tongue down her throat.

5. And most importantly, be passionate about it: There’s nothing worst than a bland kisser. Remember that you have to be an active part of the kiss (but don’t be overly aggressive). Enjoy it!!

Whatever technique or style you prefer, remember that it takes two to kiss, don’t leave all the work up to your partner. Also remember that the fact that you didn’t have a spectacular kiss with somebody doesn’t necessarily make you a bad kisser. Everybody has his or her own style, find yours and practice it. Yum!!

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