How to Be Environmentally Friendly with the Little Things, Part 1

Many of us know that it is important to be aware of our environment here on planet earth, and to be good stewards of it. We’ve seen the documentaries, heard the news reports, and read the books extolling the virtues of living in a ‘green’ fashion, avoiding unnecessary waste, and so on. However, how many of us have actually tried to make a change in our lifestyle to help the earth out? How many truly have done even a little something?

Perhaps the biggest struggle people have is actually starting with something, and continuing to do it. So, here are several tips and ideas for you, if you are interested (and you should be!) in trying to live a little more environmentally friendly. These are small starter ideas and hints, not a massive movement to live in the woods like hermits, or even to throw away your SUV. However, don’t trivialize these things; after all, it is the little things that count.

First off, for Part 1 of this series, let us take a look at water. It’s an extremely important natural resource, yet many people lack it all over the globe. Here in America, it is far too easy for us to waste it, and not even give a second thought. So, here is a challenge: Think of how much water you use during an average day, and think of how much of that is necessary (i.e. drinking water is an obvious necessity).

Then, try to cut down on the little parts that aren’t really needed. For instance, when brushing your teeth, do you leave the water on between brushes? Turn it off. When washing your hands, do you leave the water on while drying your hands off? Turn it off before drying, using your elbow instead of your hands if you are trying to be clean. How about showers? Do you sit and soak for an hour (or at least many minutes) on end? Try to cut down on how long you enjoy the steaminess-even cutting down by a few minutes saves a lot of valuable water.

While we are on the topic of water, let us take a look outside of the house. Do you leave the sprinklers on, even on days when it rains? Do you wash your car constantly? Does it really need to be washed that much? How about those wading pool that children are fond of-do you leave the hose on, even after filling up the pool, and the kids have gone inside? What about those of us that use so much water for our plants that it seems we are trying to drown them? Think! How can you cut down on your water usage?

There are so many little ways you can save water, save money on your water usage, and be environmentally friendly. Start with these little things, and stick with them. We are all here together on earth, so let us not waste the valuable resources God has given to us here.

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