How to Be Green When You’re Landscaping

Going green is the ever popular trend these days. Everyone is looking and searching for ways to go green and save on energy costs. We all know about the insulating, cocking, and replacing old windows to help save on energy, but here is another idea. Look to your landscaping for another way to go green and save energy. Trees planted around your home can tremendously help on saving energy.

PLANTING TREES IN YOUR HOMES: Planting trees close to your home and further away from your home can help save on energy costs. Trees up close to your home can shade the home during the summer months and block cold wind and air from getting into your home during the winter months.

TYPES OF TREES TO USE: Planting shrubs up close to your home is one good option. Shrubs will block wind and cold air from getting into your home during the winter. You could also plant trees that will lose their leaves to block the sun during the summer months, but to let the warm sun hit the house during the winter months.

CONSIDER BEFORE YOU PLANT: Start paying attention to where your worst winds come from before you start planting your trees. This is where you will want to plant trees to block cold air during the winter. Also, pay attention to when and where the sun is on your home the most throughout the day. This is where you will want to plant trees to block the sunlight during the summer.

PLANT SLOW GROWING TREES: You will want to plant slow growing trees and shrubs so that they will form better roots and not fall and cause damage to your home in a few years. Consider how close to your home and any neighbors’ homes your trees should be planted. You also want to be careful with the placing of these trees when you plant them because you do not want the roots to start growing into your basement or home after a few years. Contact an arborist if you are unsure of how or where you should plant new trees around your home. Trees can still help with energy costs if they are placed a little bit farther out from the home.

With all of the new ways to go green, be sure to consider adding your homes landscaping to your list of ways to go green.

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