How to Be Redundantly Redundant

First and second of all, your point is made clearly, sharply, concisely, and most importantly, logically. After all, what is the most logical way of explaining something? Obviously, the answer is the same as the answer to most other questions: Brute force. This poses a problem though: generally speaking, you would prefer that the person you are speaking to remains conscious during your conversation. Therefore, your methods of transferring brute force to a verbal form are redundancy and screaming. Screaming quickly falls out of favor as well, as that carries a large risk of scaring your prospective listener away. This leaves redundancy as your only option.
Third of all, redundancy is a beneficial trade off. In exchange for meaningless relationships and your reputation as a sane person, you achieve a temporary feeling of well being and achievement, and at the end of the day, isn’t that worth more than human contact?
Fourth of all, redundancy is a beneficial trade off. In exchange for sounding sane, you repeat yourself.
I hope that I have convinced you that being redundant is indeed a good thing, here is the guide.
1. Repeat yourself.
2. If other people in your conversation comment on your repetition, change it up. Any possible shortfall is on their side, and isn’t any fault of your’s.
3. If members within hearing range of your intellectual banter remark upon your increased efficiency in the communications department, switch your style so that they don’t feel so insignificant anymore.
4. Repeat yourself
5. Remember to know a lot of synonyms. These help immensely. They also assist your endeavors.
6. Redundancy is all about style in addition to brute force. Stylish brute force. Brute force with style. Notice the lack of blatant repetition, but rather stylish changes to the brute force approach.
There is also the internet’s take on redundancy. Since the internet has its own version of screaming(CAPS) and repetition is simple, the brute force method is seen a lot more than anything even remotely resembling style and elegance. Of course, the occasional creative mind is lurking there somewhere, but the redundant methods favored by the redundantly large amounts of redundant posters of the internet manage very aptly to drown them out.
I sincerely hope that this guide has enabled you to continue on in a redundant manner. Armed with these tools, you will be able to identify and one-up anybody attempting to use redundancy against you. Never forget the advantages that being redundant will offer you. Your points will always be heard, your ideas will always be noted and your relations with other humans will take a dramatic turn. Never again will you be empowered as you will be after implementing the tips included in this guide.
Happy (word)playing.