How to Be Your Child’s Teacher’s Favorite Parent

1. Be aware of what your child is doing in school. Notice what he brings home every day. Read every note before you sign it. Take time to look at each grade and each report card. Ask your child what he is learning in school.
2. Take care of problems before the teacher calls you. If you notice your child is not finishing his work, don’t wait until it becomes a major problem halfway through the year! Make your child finish at home what he does not finish at school, and send it back to show the teacher that you care. If you think your child is having social problems, talk to the student about it and try to come up with a solution before it becomes a major hurdle. If he is lazy, work on it at home-don’t pass it off on the teacher. Remember, its your job, not the teacher’s, to raise your child!
3. Do not automatically believe your child instead of a teacher. Most teachers are not in this for a huge paycheck, because most of them do not get paid enough for what they do! Most teachers love children and want the best for them. They are not going to lie about your child. Children, however cute and sweet, do tend to exaggerate or even lie. Please remember that your child is not perfect, and listen to what the teacher has to say about her, even if it is negative. The teacher may see a side of the child that you do not have a chance to see at home.
4. Never disagree with a teacher in front of your child! Every time your child hears you argue or disagree with a teacher, he will lose more respect for his teacher, and his behavior and grades will become worse. Your child will learn that you automatically take his side every time, and he will use that to take advantage of the teacher in many negative ways. If you feel a teacher has wronged your child, set up a private conference time where you can discuss it away from your son or daughter. When the conference is over, maintain a positive view of the teacher in front of your child so they know they are still required to respect and obey that teacher, even if they disagree at times. This is valuable training for their future in the workforce.
5. Always communicate and stay involved! Do not be afraid to write notes to the teacher. Let the teacher know you are supporting her. Ask questions how you can better help your child. Reinforce at home the positive character traits that are being taught at school. Tell the teacher how you are working on certain problems at home so she is more aware of what to do in situations that may arise at school. Always attend parent/teacher meetings. Thank the teacher for the hard work he does and for the encouragement he gives your child. Volunteer to help out with special days and events.
This may sound like a full time job, but in reality it only takes a few minutes of each day to keep up with your child and his education. After all, it is our responsibility to raise our children-not the school system’s! Not only will you receive the rewards of having a confident, well educated child, but it will also quickly circulate throughout the school staff that you are one of the most desirable parents to have in the school, and every teacher will be excited when it becomes their turn to have your child in their classroom!