How to Be a Great Co-host Without the Stress

You as the holiday party host always want to make sure your guests are happy and satisfied at your party. But it’s not easy task to host a party alone and accomplish this. In fact it can be overwhelming. Why not think about co-hosting a party with one of your friends. This way you share the party responsibility, reduce food costs, and have someone to help to bring some well-rounded holiday creativity to the party. Two holiday party planners make a great pair. I’m writing you my tips on how pre-plan and to avoid stress and avoid fights as co-hosts.

First, think about which of you has the better space and location. Is there an enough closet space to hung guest’s coats? Which of your refrigerators are big enough to store additional drinks and food? Also, which of your homes is more accessible to public transportation? Who is closer to the grocery store?

Second, if one of you doesn’t have enough dishes of silverware think of renting them out. Not everybody has the space to store a dinner party set. Then you don’t have to worry about broken dishes or missing silverware from you set. Also, visit stores like Ikea that sell cheap glassware and dishes that can look nice for a party or to use as dish supplements to the nice fancy dishes. Mix and match sets and patterns from a variety of stores like one expensive dish from Pier One and one inexpensive one from Target. Also, you and your friend can always combine both of your sets to show both your individual style.

Third, if you have young kids at home think about hiring a sitter to entertain them while you have fun at your party. This way mommy has a chance to relax and have a well-deserved night to party without worry about the kids.

Next, your friend and you can brainstorm on serving unique drink besides the old standard of egg-nog served all the time. In Whole Food supermarkets they have a big selection of blended soy drinks and chai drink mixes. Non-drinking, guests on a diet or guests taking medicine will appreciate this. How about making a smoothie drink with fruit ka-bobs sticking outside of the glasses. Buy some frozen fruit pulp that makes it easy to make in a blender.

Besides the ordinary coffee and tea offering try serving hot drinks with a new look. For example good quality hot chocolate with candy canes sticking out the side of the steaming mugs. Serve adult hot strawberry or banana chocolate milk that mixed with rum served in clear mugs. There are a lot special holiday blends of coffee and tea available now. How about serving gingerbread tea or nutcracker blend tea?

A theme party is fun. For example, host a French party with French music and make French dishes. Give out party favors at the end of the party like French dictionaries so people have a party memento to remember you by. Guests love gift bags. They do not always have to contain huge items. Maybe one of you knows someone who works in publishing to get a discount on the dictionaries. Use your network of friends to help provide an even better party.

Again think of your guests who may be on a diet or taking medication by making small painless adjustments to holiday menu. Why not offer guests some low-fat varieties of dressing. Give guests some small serving cups to pour dressing or dip their vegetables in. Create some dip recipes in low-fat content instead of their high calorie versions. I suggest you buy some low fat sour cream or yogurt instead of the full fat varieties to blend for dips. Your friends and you can combine your culinary skills and come up with so unique recipes combo for low-fat cooking You will be surprised that the guests do not notice the difference or miss the calories.

Remember when you planning your guest list to invite a mixed bag of all friends of all ages married and single. Sometimes when we get married we tend to stick together more with our married couple friends with children and forget that not everybody has that same situation. Try to have each guest have at least one person that they can relate to and have a good conversation with.

If you have a lot of leftovers post the food offering on With so many people hungry this holiday season it nice to give food donation to less fortunate.

If you take some time and pre-plan then you will both breathe and be surprised at how much fun co-hosting a party can be. Friends give us unique perspectives and see situations differently then we do. If you put your heads together you will have a great party with your best friend at your side. Remember the holiday’s season is about friends and family and not the gifts we receive. A Great friendship is one of the best gifts we can get.

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