How to Be a Psychic: Part Four

There a four chairs on the stage. On each is a number – 1,2,3,4 from left to right. Next to the chairs is a flipchart with prediction written on the top sheet. The performer asks a spectator to come up and assist. You show a prediction that she can not see. It says, “She Will Sit In Chair Number Three”. She walk to the center of the stage and sit in, yes, chair number three.
How do you do it? The same way Dunninger used to do it. You cheat. The flip chart is made up into an index. Under the top sheets are four others each stating a chair number. You make a tab system which allows you to locate the correct prediction by touch quickly and easily (make the tabs the same color as the pad jerky so they will not be seen by the audience).
Now all you have to do is learn which chair the participant will sit in. Here’s the cheat. You ask everyone in the audience to think of one of the numbered chairs but not to say anything out loud. Then you walk into the audience and grab a hot chick near the back. You ask for her for name then ask for a round of applause for the babe. Under the cover of the applause you ask her, “Which number chair did you pick?” When she tells you, you say, “Yeah, a lot of people pick that one”.
When the two of you get back on stage you say, “You now have a chair number in mind. Please go sit”.
As she is walking to the chairs you then reveal your “prediction” by locating the right tab for the right prediction under the cover of the top “prediction sheet” and reveal it to the audience. Just time it so she doesn’t see. Make sure you have the prediction pad placed well up stage. The crowd will applaud your mad skills and she will just think they are clapping for her beauty, the vain little beast.
Move onto another effect quickly, so she doesn’t bother to look at your prediction. Trust me. It worked for Dunninger for years.