How to Beat Yeast Infections

Candidiasis is the medical term for an overgrowth of the fungal organism. Candida albicans is commonly known as yeast. The overgrowth occurs most often in the digestive tract, though yeast can flourish on the skin or in ear canals, sinus cavities and the vagina. Antibiotics, birth control pills, anti-ulcer drugs are common causes of yeast infections. Yeast infection can cause or worsen a variety of conditions, including ittitable bowel syndrome, vaginitis, prostatitis, hives, psoriasis, eczema and a host of other illnesses. A stool examination could help to diagnose the infection, but it is often inaccurate.

Another way to look for signs of yeast infection, include strong cravings for sweets, gas, bloating, red and scaly skin rashes, rectal itching and generalized fatique. A few things you can do to treat your yeast infection.

Improve your diet
Of course, cutting down on sweets (since yeast feeds on sugar) will help tremendously. Avoid refined carbs, including desserts, bread, pasta, chips and pretzels. Eliminate all juice, dried fruit and foods containing sugar, corn syrup, and honey. Give up alcohol and artificial sweeteners and curb your intake of starchy vegetables, such as white potatoes and corn. Reducing the starches and sugars help “starve” the yeast. Unfortunately, for some eliminating all those foods they may starve. Eating only organic poultry, meat, vegetables, and dairy products. Also, one cup of fresh fruit everyday helps.

Hydrate well
Drink lots of water amount and limit caffeine to two cups of coffee or tea daily.

Use probiotics
Take 4.5 billion CFU’s of L. acidophilus and B. bifidus daily. These bacteria are available at health stores and help with digestion and immune health. Antibiotics and other medications, such as antacids and corticosteroids, reduce these beneficial bacteria, which allows the yeast to decrease. You can also take a botanical antifungal substance to help kill the yeast for a limited time.

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