How to Become a Real Estate Appraiser: Part Time Work, Full Time Pay

In most areas, 90 hours of classes is all that is needed to enter this field. The course work consist of a 30 hour small residential, a 30 house condo, 30 hours of elective (you choose the topic) and a 15 hour ethics course. That’s it.
At that point the person becomes a “licensed appraisal trainee”. If you wish to check about your local requirements you can check at the appraisal foundation but the majority of states follow these guidleines.
In many areas, a trainee is paid roughly one hundred dollars per appraisal. After 2,000 hours of experience and an additional 30 hours of schooling, the next step is to apply for the “certified residential certificate”. In Central New Jerey three hundred dollars per mortgage appraisal is considered a reasonable fee for a certified appraiser.
Those who chcoose to take another 60 hours of schooling and do addititonal training hours can apply
to become “certified general appraisers”. These “master apparaisers” can value homes of any worth and businesses.
The scarcity of general appraisers allows them to set fees far beyond the average. I know of one who charges five hundred per residential appraisal and even more for a commercial appraisal.
If this sounds interesting. I urge you to look into this career now.
In 2008 the qualifications to be a real estate appraiser will change. The ninety hours for licensed residential appraiser will rise to one hundred and fity hours of schooling. Certfied residentail appraisers will require two hundred hours of education and an associaes degree . The qualifiacations for a certified general appraiser go from one hundred and eighty hours to three hundred hours and will only be available to those who have a bachelor’s degree or higher..
If you are interested in a career in real estate appraising why not consider taking the classes now? You’ll be glad you did.