How to Bring Romance Back Into Your Relationship

When you are in a secure relationship you can forget to do the little things that mean so much to the other person. You can even forget to express your feelings and tell them how much you care for them. Your significant other is not psychic and we all like to hear that we are loved and appreciated. You have to make a conscious effort to bring the romance back into your relationship. Romance does not just happen. Someone has to initiate it, someone has to plan it.
To bring back the romance, be creative. Do not be afraid to be sentimental or silly. Romance can be fun and it will do wonders for keeping your relationship alive and new. Use romance to light the flames of passion to make your relationship stronger. There are many ways to bring romance into your life. Some can be as simple as writing a little note that says “I Love You” and leaving it where your partner can find it unexpectedly. Romance can also be extravagant like a horse drawn carriage ride ending at a romantic restaurant or a nice hotel where the two of you will spend an evening together.
Be meaningful with your romantic gestures. Do things that may not even seem romantic to you, but they will mean the world to your partner. I do not really care for hunting or fishing but my husband absolutely loves it when I go away with him for a weekend hunting or fishing trip. The time we spend together is what matters and being alone in a cabin in the woods curled up in front of a fireplace can become a very romantic setting. A man’s idea of romance can be very different from a woman’s. Women want wine and roses while men want to share things like hunting, fishing, cars, motorcycles and those types of thing with us. It is all about compromise and blending. Like I said about the hunting and fishing trips, I can handle a day in the woods or on the lake with my husband to then be able to enjoy a night in a cozy cabin together. If your partner wants to go to a car show or motorcycle event or some other man thing, go with him and blend it into a romantic getaway. Book a hotel room with a hot tub and make sure they offer room service. Pack some massage oil and some candles. Have champagne or wine delivered to your room. You can do his thing during the day and at night you have him all to yourself.
Other ways to bring romance back into your relationship are by revisiting where you had your first date, go back to the place you spent your honeymoon, have a romantic picnic (even if it is in the middle of your living room), play games together, give gifts even when it is not a special occasion, write a love letter, never take your partner for granted and tell them often how much you love and cherish them, always make time for each other, take a bubble bath together, give them a massage. Include romance in your life whenever possible. Eat by candlelight one night, even if you are just eating pizza.
It doesn’t matter how you do it, just add some romance whenever possible to keep your love life flourishing. Use your imagination and follow your heart. Your significant other is sure to appreciate it and might follow your lead to give you a few romantic surprises.