How to Build Your Own Paintball Field for Free

Paintball is one of the best hobbies for people to be involved in. Paintball is a very active sport that often involves a large amount of running around, making it a much healthier alternative than hobbies such as poker but, depending on how good you are at poker, paintball can be much more expensive. The paintballs themselves are not cheap and they won’t do much for you without the paintball guns and helmets. On top of this is finding a paintball field to play in and the fees for using commercial fields can start at $25.00 and go up. But what if you just want to play with some friends and you have private land you can use? Then make your own paintball field!

Call those friends over and within a day you can have your own paintball field put up and it doesn’t have to cost you a dime. First, take a walk around the land you will be using. At least an acre of land would be best and make sure that stray paintballs are not going to end up in your neighbor’s yard, much less though their window or accidentally hitting their child.

Look at the natural layout of the land and decide what can be used as a part of your field. We happen to have a pond bank on the side of our field that slopes down to a creek. The pond bank is a natural boundary that helps keep stray paintballs from flying to far and the creek makes it easy for players to crawl around below ground level. We also have a few sink holes that make for excellent cover. Our land is also covered with trees making it easy to dodge and hide among the brush.

Land does not have to have these natural elements that are so conducive to paintball play. You can make a very good field on flat land as well. Items that can be found at your house or at your friend’s houses can be used to make bunkers and other cover to hide behind.

Wooden pallets can be found at many places for free. You may have some around your house already or you can try places like roofing companies who are more than happy to give them to you for free. Pallets make great cover and can be easily moved around to make a new field of play. Pallets can also be draped in camouflage making a blind.

Blinds can also be made by using brush from around your land and old tires are another item that can be stacked and hidden behind.

Use your imagination and it won’t take you long to be playing in your own field. Practice safe paintball games and be sure you are not affecting anyone else but most of all have fun!

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