How to Build a Bent Wood Table

Willow wood works the best for building bent wood furniture. That’s because willow is flexible and easy to bend into shape. There are more than 300 types of willow trees which makes it easy to find too. But you can actually use any type of hardwood you choose.
The first step in this project, to build a bent wood table, is to gather together several tree branches. The branches should be long and straight. They should also vary in thicknesses. You’ll need to use branches from live trees as they are flexible and easy to bend.
Use a pair of sharp pruning shears or a small-toothed hand saw to remove the smaller shoots and leaves from each branch. You’ll need to cut the shoots and leaves off close to the branch so that only nubs remain.
The next step is to cut four straight tree branches to build the legs of your bent wood table. The length of these branches will depend on how tall you want your table to be. Then, use the pruning shears or the hand saw to cut four additional willow or hardwood branches. These pieces will make the cross members. Use a whittling knife to bevel the ends of these pieces.
Before you use the cross members, you’ll need to build the bottom shelf of the bent wood table. You’ll need to cut and trim four more pieces of willow or another hardwood to make the frame of the shelf. Plus, you’ll need several additional tree branches to fill the frame in.
You’ll need to use an electric drill with a small wood bit to carefully bore holes into the ends of the four wood frame pieces. Place the pieces together to form a square. Then, use short wood screws to secure the corners together. Note: If you plan on using your bent wood table outside, you should use galvanized screws so they won’t rust.
The next step is to use more wood branches to fill in the middle of the shelf.
To build the top of your bent wood table, you’ll repeat the same process you used to make the shelf. Then, use the electric drill to bore more holes into the frame so the branches can be secured inside the square with short wood screws.
Once that step is completed, you’ll need to position the square bottom shelf as high or as low as you want it to be against the table legs. Each table leg will be attached to the outside corners of the shelf. You’ll now need to bore holes through each leg into the shelf. Secure the wood legs to the shelf with short wood screws.
Attach the top of the table to the legs in the same fashion.
Now that you have basically built your bent wood table, it’s time to add the cross member pieces. Position these so they extend across each side, near the bottom of each leg. Use the electric drill with the wood bit and more wood screws to fasten the cross members to the legs.
Of course, the more cross members you use, the sturdier your table will be. So, you can add more pieces onto the legs wherever the table needs to be reinforced.
You can also add a few decorative pieces of tree branches to make your bent wood table complete. For example, you can carefully bend a green branch into a “U” shape. Then, bore a hole near each end and screw this piece across the side of your table so the “U” is upside down. Repeat this process with the other side of the table, and on the back too. They will not only add decoration, but they will add strength to the piece of furniture too.
Once the tree branches that make up your table dry out, the wood will become lighter. The wood may also crack in places, but that won’t affect the sturdiness of the bent wood furniture.
To finish your bent wood table, you should apply a good-quality waterproofing product on it. Then, reapply the product every couple years to help protect the wood.
Now that you have built your table, you can set it outside on your porch or patio. This type of furniture will add a rustic look to your existing decor.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design