How to Build a Homemade Ladder Shelf

My mother has always has a disdain for knick-knacks. According to her, knick-knacks are nothing more than “dust collectors.” If you want to get on the “bad side” of my mother, just buy her an object that sets around on a shelf or lamp table. I didn’t inherit her dislike for knick-knacks, but I do keep my collection scaled down so they all fit on a few shelves around my house. One of my favorite shelves is called a “Ladder Shelf.” It has a simple, yet appealing design. Unlike many other types of shelves, it can be hung up horizontally OR vertically. And, you can stack two ladder shelves on top of each other! Or, you may choose to lay your shelf on a table or countertop. How’s that for versatility? If you need a shelf to display your knick-knacks on, you can learn how to build a homemade ladder shelf in just a couple of hours!

You can actually build your homemade ladder shelf any length you desire. A “nice-size” shelf will measure about twenty-eight inches long. Pine wood will make an excellent material to build your shelf with. Pine is soft, easy to cut, sand down, and stain or paint. Yet it’s also durable enough to make a strong shelf with.

To build a homemade ladder shelf, you’ll need two pieces of pine wood that measure twenty-eight inches long. They should also be three and a half inches wide and be a half inch thick. These pieces will serve as the stiles in the ladder. You’ll also need six pieces of pine that measure three and a half inches by five inches. They’ll also need to be a half inch thick. These smaller pieces will be the rungs or steps of the shelf.

You’ll also need two shelf hangers. You can buy these at your local hardware or home supply store.

Before you actually start to build your ladder shelf, you’ll need to use a piece of sandpaper to slightly round off the ends of the stile pieces. If the edges of the rung pieces are rough, lightly sand them down too.

Now, to actually start building your homemade shelf, lay the first stile out on your work surface. Use a yardstick and measure two-and-three quarters inches down from the end; mark this with a pencil. Then, measure down five inches and mark this spot too. Repeat this process with the second stile as well.

The next step is to place one of the rungs inside the two wooden stile pieces. Make sure the top edge of the step is aligned with the first marks you made. Use a pencil to draw complete lines horizontally across each stile. Remove the step, then use an electric drill and a small drill bit to bore two holes in the stiles. The holes should be located about a half inch in from each edge.

Place a screwdriver bit into your electric drill. Then, place the rung back in between the stiles and align it with the lines. Use four small wood screws and the drill to secure it into place on both sides.

Place another wood rung inside the stiles of your homemade ladder shelf where you marked off five inches. Align it up on both sides, then use your electric drill to bore holes at the marks. Use four additional small wood screws to secure it into place.

Repeat this process with the remaining blocks of wood. Make sure you align the rungs or steps inside the stiles so they are straight.

Finally, add the two shelf hangers- one on each stile- on the back.

Once you are done, you’ll have built a homemade ladder shelf that has five shelf surfaces in it. You can either stain or paint the finished product to compliment the color scheme of the room you plan to hang it in. Or, you can stain it in a neutral color so your ladder shelf will fit nicely into any room!

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