How to Build with Grid Beam – a Fast, Easy, and Affordable System for Constructing Almost Anything

This book outlines practical ways to build many things quickly and economically through a system called Grid Beam invented by Ken Isaacs.

The authors lay out solutions to building “real-world projects ranging from furniture and sheds to vehicles, full-size buildings, and industrial equipment.”

Lavishly illustrated, the book presents an explanation of what grid beam is as well as a history and advantages of building with grid beam. These are not authors explaining something they know from a distance, each of them has built an amazing array of items with this simple system. Some of the projects include how you can build tables, sleeping lofts, beds, drawer carts, shop tables, pet gates, temporary kitchens, buildings, stage sets, solar concentrators, hydro power systems, garden carts, electric mowers, electric vehicles, fences, and many others.

Grid Beam includes five kinds of parts: beam or “stick” (of wood, aluminum or steel); skin (plywood, sheet metal, or fabric); nuts and bolts; accessories (like wheels, lights, sinks, and drawers); adapters, which let you bolt odd-size accessories into the system.

The strength in this book is its clear presentation and creative use of the system. The authors present what to build and how to build it as well as tips on designing projects, safety procedures, suppliers, and additional resources on the subject.

One of the more fun presentations is the vehicle section of the book. The book does not show pie-in-the-sky illustrations but vehicles that have been built by the authors with the vehicles accompanying photographs, which include electric vehicles, solar-assisted bicycles, reusable electric test bed, scamp (all-terrain vehicle), tractors, go carts, trains, and rockets!

How to Build with Grid Beam – A Fast, Easy, and Affordable System for Constructing Almost Anything – Phil Jergenson, Richard Jergenson, and Wilma Keppel

�· Paperback: 288 pages

�· Publisher: New Society Publishers (June 1, 2008)

�· Language: English

�· ISBN-10: 0865716137

�· ISBN-13: 978-0865716131

�· Product Dimensions: 9.9 x 8 x 0.6 inches

Book available:

Richard Jergenson

PO Box 1577

Willits, CA 95490

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