How to Buy Stuff Online

Buying stuff online can be the greatest experience ever, or the worst.

Online buyers should be aware of the fact that there are a lot of resources out there that when it comes to buying electronics. Here are some tips you should follow when buying anything over the internet.

1. Use Google! Google is one of the greatest tools ever invented for the internet. Learn how to search the web using Google to find any facts, prices, or deals about the product you are buying. Electronics often have manuals published online that give you more detail than any retailer’s page might.

2. Compare, research, compare – If you have to, create a spreadsheet or write down the pros and cons of each product you are considering. You have the entire internet at your fingertips and all the time in the world, use them to your advantage. Get down the nitty and the gritty… record down cost, description, review ratings, features, pros, cons, and any possible thing you can think of including your needs and convienences.

3. Visit a site like to compare prices on products from various online retailers. The good thing about sites like these is that they calculate in shipping price and include ratings. Very helpful when researching the price for your product.

4. Visit forums – Ask questions or read about popular products and find out the truth about them. Everything will have good and bad reviews. Try to look for the products that have the most good reviews and the least amount of bad reviews. Some people are crazy and don’t know what they are talking about or just haven’t owned the product for long enough.

5. Technology changes everyday. If the product you are interested in is fairly new or released in the past week or so… wait as long as you can. At the very least, the product price will go down, and you may find a deal later that’ll make you wish you hadn’t bought it sooner. Use this time to do as much research as possible and seriously consider whether or not you want to make the final purchase.

6. DEALS! Look for deals. Rebates, coupons, specials, whatever. The internet contains a lot of information, and within that pool of information is small, lesser known secret deals that aren’t as advertised as others. Search them out and get mad dicscounts on your purchases.

7. Stick with trusted merchants. There are several companies online like VeriSign that will put a seal of approval on bigger sites that pass their tests for security. Go to online retailers that get a lot of good reviews. Stay away from sites that looked like they took 5 minutes to put together. Be smart, stay away from scams!

Good luck with your purchases. Remember to research, compare, research, then compare some more. Use all the time and resources online that you possible can to get the best possible purchase experience you can. It’s a lot better than walking into the local brick and mortar store that charges twice as much for the same product sold online at much more dicounted price.

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