How to Buy a Hummingbird Feeder

For many years hummingbird feeders were made by hand using glass tubing, rubber stoppers and flasks but with the popularity of hummingbird feeders manufacturers have responded by making many different types of these sugar water feeders. The best hummingbird feeders are those that are sturdy, easy to hang, and have very few parts. Although hummingbird feeders are beautiful there are a few things you should know to get the most out of your hummingbird feeder.
The first thing you should know about hummingbird feeders is what to fill them with. There are a variety of instant mixes for the nectar but making your own is simple and less expensive.

The recipe is 1 part sugar to 4 parts water, then you boil it for 1-2 minutes and put it in the fridge to cool. It’s simple and hummingbirds seem to like the homemade nectar better than the instant mixes. Never use honey or artificial sweeteners in a hummingbird feeder. Honey ferments easily and can cause sores in the hummingbirds mouth, artificial sweeteners can be almost as harmful. Dyes should also never be used in a hummingbird feeder, since most hummingbird feeders are red this should be enough to attract the hummingbird.

Hummingbird feeders should be cleaned and the nectar changed every 3-4 days. Never use soap to clean your feeder as it can mix with the new nectar and make the hummingbirds sick. Water and a bottle brush should be the only tools you need for cleaning your hummingbird feeder, for those really stubborn stains a little sand and water mixture shaken in the feeder should help. When you fill the feeder back up never fill it more than half full because the hummingbirds won’t be able to drink it all before you have to change it again.

Now that you know what to put in your feeder and how to clean it, the next step is getting the hummingbirds to come to your feeder. Hummingbirds love the color red and since most hummingbirds feeders are red this isn’t a problem but you can always tie a red ribbon to your feeder to attract more attention. Another way to attract hummingbirds to your feeder is to place the feeder among flowers that hummingbirds like. Fuchsias, begonias, petunias, geraniums, and honeysuckle are some of the hummingbirds favorite flowers. Since hummingbirds are territorial you should put up several feeders and make sure they are far enough apart.

Hummingbird feeders are a wonderful way to attract hummingbirds and learn more about them. They are amazing creatures to watch and if done the right way a hummingbird feeder can attract hummingbirds all year long.

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