How to Care for Your Patio Furniture

RUST REMOVAL. Are you finding rust on your wrought-iron patio furniture or even on your iron railings? Not to worry, just rub the rusty spots with some kerosene, then lightly scour them with some very fine steel wool. If the rust is stubborn, let a kerosene soaked rag sit against it for a while. Now, to keep that rust from coming back, give the furniture a good coat of car wax. It is designed to protect the furniture of cars and works just as well on patio furniture also. I recommend for this to buy a good name brand so that the quality is top notch and will last longer.
EASY CLEANING. Almost any patio furniture, from metal to plastic and wood can be cleaned very nicely with a little dish washing liquid in warm water. Scrub it with a soft brush if necessary and then rinse it well.
CLEANING THE CUSHIONS. Follow these easy steps and your patio furniture cushions will last a long time:
1. Always bring your cushions in during wet weather.
2. If you wear sunscreen, put a towel on the cushion before you sit down. This will protect the cushion from staining.
3. Give the cushions a good cleaning once a season. I like to use mild detergent and a sponge, then I rinse them well with a hose. Most important, make sure the cushions are completely dry before you store them for the winter because damp cushions are the perfect home for mildew.
DON’T FORGET THE UMBRELLA. That’s if you have one! (I love them for shade.) It needs some tender loving care just like the rest of your patio furniture. First, make sure you take it down or at least close it during storms. You’ll also need to make sure you open it again after the storm so that any dirt or debris that gets caught in the creases can fall out and not wear away the fabric or vinyl. A secret weapon for caring for a vinyl umbrella comes from the automotive supply store. You’ll want to clean it with the cheapest car vinyl top cleaner you can buy and then protect it against the elements with a finish for vinyl tops. I recommend for this using the least expensive one, it will work like a charm and save you money.