How to Care for the Green Lace Gorgonian

People purchase coral for a number of different reasons. Some people choose to purchase coral because it makes their tanks look more like the ocean. Some people purchase coral because it provides their tanks with a lot of different color and decoration. Coral makes a great addition to any saltwater tank if you know what you doing and what you must do to keep the coral alive. There are many types of Gorgonians which are also known as soft corals. They all require the same supplements and lighting. One type of Gorgonian is known as the Green Lace Gorgonian.

This coral should be kept in a salinity which is between 1.022 and 1.026. You will also want to keep the temperature at around 72 to 76 degrees. You will want to check the salinity which a hydrometer that you can purchase from the pet store. You can place a heater in your saltwater tank to keep the temperature at 72 degrees or more. In order to keep the tank from getting to warm you should avoid placing the tank near any types of windows or heating vents. You should also keep the light on a timer to avoid the temperature going up because the light is heating up the water through the day. You will also get an algae problem if you leave your light on for too long.

You will need a good amount of water movement to keep the Green Lace Gorgonian alive. Part of this is to keep debris and algae off of the coral. If you notice any algae on the coral you will need to remove it. A canister filter will work great to produce enough water movement. You can then adjust the power head to make sure that water is flowing on the coral. You can move the coral around until you find a place with a good water current. If you cannot produce enough water movement you can purchase a wave maker to flow water in all directions.

The Green Lace Gorgonian comes in a few different colors such as brown, gold and green. You can usually purchase this coral for around $15 from any local pet store. I would suggest going to Petsmart because they carry a large variety of different types of corals. You will want to go to large pet stores because they will carry the most types of corals. With all corals you will need to remove them before you medicate your fish. You will want to try and find some type of medication that is safe for coral and doesn’t contain copper.

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