How to Choose Your Child’s Halloween Costume

There are two main reasons why children look forward to Halloween so much. First, they love having the opportunity to dress up like their favorite characters. Second, once they are dressed up they are able to get a ton of candy. For these two reasons, a child’s Halloween costume simply has to be perfect.

There are a wide variety of styles available, everything from superheroes to cartoon characters. Of course, there are also scary costumes like witches, black cats, horror movie characters and monsters too. Then there are those happy clowns. What costume a child chooses to wear usually depends upon their parents. Some parents will not let their child dress up in a scary costume but as long as they get to go trick-or-treating the child will be happy in the end.

Choosing your child’s Halloween costume begins with talking to your child about what they want to be. If your child cannot decide, then you can offer a few choices. Take a moment to think about their favorite shows, books and toys. Once you have a few ideas in mind you may want to make sure that you can rent, buy or make the costume. You can then go ahead and offer your child a few choices to choose from. If your child is insisting upon being something violent then you may want to intervene unless you think that it is all fun and that allowing your child to dress up in this fashion will be all right.

Once you and your child have decided upon a costume it is time to buy, rent, borrow or make it. The decision that you make here will be based upon a few things. These include your budget, the costume’s availability and whether or not your child will be able to wear it again next year.

If you choose to either buy or rent your child’s Halloween costume then it is as easy as visiting a local costume shop. You could also look around for a costume that you could borrow. Another option is to purchase a costume from your local newspaper’s classified section of from an online auction site such as eBay. On the other hand, if you choose to make your child’s Halloween costume then it may be a bit trickier as it will take some planning. You will need time to find a pattern in a craft book, at a local craft shop or even online. Of course, you will also want to give yourself time to complete the costume make any necessary alterations and even start over if you need t do so. You do not want to wait until Halloween night to be hurrying around finishing up the costume. By then all of the stores will be out of costumes.

Regardless of what choices you make, the number one thing is to be sure that your child is happy. After all, Halloween is mainly a holiday for children� of all ages.

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