How to Choose a Maid of Honor

You’ve known her your whole life. You used to lie under the stars when you were nine years old, planning what you wanted for your wedding. You know each other’s dreams, and have been through a lot together. As the years passed, you just knew she would one day be the maid of honor at your wedding.

Now the time has come to choose a maid of honor, but you stop and think. Is she really the right choice? If you have any doubt in your mind whatsoever, you should really stop and think about your friend, and what you are asking her to do for you.

In most cases, when you choose a maid of honor, you are asking for more than just someone to stand beside you and hold your flowers while you exchange vows. Many brides have regretted their choice after their wedding was over. Someone may be your closest friend, but they may also be terrible about being a maid of honor.

When you choose a maid of honor, you are choosing a person to help you with all aspects of your wedding. A maid of honor should help you find your dress, coordinate the purchase of all the brides maid’s dresses, throw a bridal shower, and take care of all the little details on your wedding day to make sure you aren’t stressed.

Not everyone handles pressure well, and you should think of this when you choose a maid of honor. As much as you love your friend, will she really be there when you need her? Many friendships have been put to the test, and faltered, when the bride/maid of honor relationship hits bumps.

When thinking of your friends, you need to choose a maid of honor that will willingly help you when you need it most. If your first choice tends to be scattered, and often misses get-togethers, you might want to think twice about choosing her. Some girls are envious, no matter how close you are, and may not handle the duties with an open heart.

When it comes down to it, and you choose a maid of honor, be practical and think with your head as well as your heart. Your best friend may just be too busy to give you what you need, or she may not take your wedding as seriously as you would like. Choose someone who is organized, responsible, and willing to be there every step of the way.

When you choose someone other than the obvious choice, make sure you smooth things over. If your best friend is hurt that she was asked to be a bridesmaid and not the maid of honor, explain why. Chances are she already knows how busy she is, or that she is often forgetful, or not super organized. Let her know you made the practical choice for her sake as well as your own. No matter how wonderful someone is, and how close you may be, not everyone makes a good maid of honor.

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