How to Choose a New Refrigerator

First off, you have to think about cost. The amount of money you are willing to spend, on a new refrigerator, can really help in the decision-making process. Prices can range from a couple hundred dollars to well over six thousand dollars. So the amount that you can comfortably spend will help determine the type of refrigerator you can buy.
Next you will need to find out the size of the refigerator area in your home. You would not want to buy a refrigerator that is too big for you kitchen. I made this mistake with my current refrigerator. My poor husband had to spend a whole day just shaving the bottom of the cabinets above my refrigerator alcove so that the new refrigerator would slide into place correctly. Make sure that you not only measure the height and width but also the depth of the area. You wouldn’t want the new refrigerator to stick out too far into your kitchen.
After that you will want to think about design. Do you want the good old top mount kind? These are the ones with the small freezer on top and the refrigerator on the bottom. Or would you prefer a side-by-side combo? These are the ones that have a freezer on one side and the refrigerator on the other side. There are even the bottom mount kinds that have the freezer on bottom and the refrigerator on top. This is where your spending amount can really come into play. A side-by-sde is generally going to cost you more than the simple top mount variety would. This decision depends upon what you would want your new refrigerator to look like. What design appeals to you most?
The next topic would have to be, the kinds of features that you looking for. Do you want an ice maker? What about a water dispenser? Would you like water filtration, adjustable shelving or even a specific layout inside your new refrigerator? You can choose a refrigerator based on so many different features. How many bins does it have, does it have adjustable temperature controls, does it have glass shelving, what about humidity climate controls? All of these decisions will effect the price of your new refrigerator.
Next, think about how big you will want the inside of the refrigerator to be. Will you be stockpiling foods in the freezer? If so, you would want to get a refrigerator with more freezer space. Would you normally have large items in your new refrigerator? Sheet cakes or party platters or even large pizza boxes? If so, you would want more available space in the refrigerator. I have a side-by-side and it does call for a little creativity on my part when tryng to find places for large food items. Mine will not accommodate anything larger than a large size pizza box. So when you are thinking about the cubic feet of a refrigerator, you might be better off seeing the actual refrigerator in person to see if it will accommodate the items you will normally store in it.
Another item to think about would be how energy efficient it would be. Most of the newer models are ENERGY STAR qualified. In my opinion, these are the best models to purchase when it comes to energy consumption. You might also want to look at special things like a Lockout safety feature for in-door water and ice dispensers. This has saved my toddler from getting a nice shower from the water dispenser. As well as saving me from cleaning a puddle of water and ice off the kitchen floor. You will also want to check out the manufacturer’s warrenty. I suggest also buying an extended policy. My new refrigerator was 1 month out of the manufacturer’s two year warrenty when my compressor went out. Everything in my freezer was thawed and spoiling. Luckily my extended warrenty covered the repairs and replaced the cost of all my ruined foods. I would have been in some huge trouble without that extended warrenty. So always check the warrenty closely and, if you can afford it, buy extra.
Lastly, enjoy shopping. Buying a new refrigerator can be time consuming but it doesn’t have to be upsetting. Take your time and get exactly what you want. You don’t want to regret your purchase when it comes to this major appliance. Always, and I can’t say this enough, ALWAYS check out the refrigerator you like most IN PERSON. The internet is great for online research and pictures of refrigerators but you really can not tell if you like the actual item unless you see it in person. You need to touch and open and close and inspect the prospective refrigerator from top to bottom before you decide it’s the one for you.
I hope these tips helped you in your search for the perfect refrigerator for you.