How to Choose the Correct Paint for Resurfacing Kitchen Cabinets

Once you have made the decision to paint yoru kitchen cabinets you are left with a mind numbing battle of trying to understand what kind of paint should you use to paint your kitchen cabinets. I have asked so many people what kind of paint I should use to paint my kitchen cabinets that I think many people run from me in terror.
After years of home ownership and painting kitchen cabinets and other furniture I have come to a few conclusions on what type of paint is best for painting kitchen cabinets.
There are two main points to consider when asking this simple question. Of course the answer is not so simple, but hopefully your outdate kitchen cabinets will fall into one of these categories, making the decision of what kind of paint you will need to paint your kitchen cabinets easier.
So, the first category is Latex paint versus Oil based paints. In my experience I have found that it is best to use a latex paint if you are painting your kitchen cabinets a light color. These light colors would include white and cream and maybe some pastels (why you would choose a pastel I have not idea). Latex paint in whites and creams will cover better than oil based paint in white or cream on a kitchen cabinet.
Oil based paints in dark colors work well on kitchen cabinets. S, I you are going for black kitchen cabinets or even a dark earth tone, try the oil based paints.
The battle of latex versus oil continues in a number of other areas. Oil based paints will stand up to scrubbing more so than a latex based paint. If you have young messy kids, then may need to go with oil based paints.
Latex paint has a tendency to make a sticky sound when two surfaced painted in latex paints touch. People still use latex paints on kitchen cabinets though. If you live in an exceptionally humid climate, I really would suggest oil based paint. No sticky sound.
NEVER use a flat latex paint. This is the least durable paint you could apply to any kitchen cabinet. Use a semi gloss or high gloss latex paint if you choose to opt for latex paint.
If you are painting the insides of your cabinets I really do recommend an oil base paint. I have had glasses stick to latex paint on the inside of a cabinet before and they pulled the paint off. Of course, I have had tons fo cabinets painted in latex paint that this did not happen.
So, to decided what type of paint you need to paint your kitchen cabinets ask yourself:
Do I have kids?
What color am I painting?
Do I live in a humid climate?
No matter what type of paint you choose to paint your kitchen cabinets with always prime first! Priming you kitchen cabinets before you paint them will make any paint finish last longer and look great.