How to Choose the Perfect Tape Measure for a Home Repair Project

If you are planning a home repair project and are in need of a new tape measure, a visit to the tools section over at your local hardware store or home improvement center will certainly make your head spin. New innovations have vastly improved the old standard tape ruler. Not to say you can not buy your basic tape measure anymore but even this now comes with many options to consider.

Can You Read a Tape Measure?

First if you do not know how to read a tape measure and describe measurements as “ten and two marks” you either need to ask someone to teach the fine art of tape measure reading or now you can buy a perfect tape measure that has descriptions written right on the tape itself. With one half, three quarters, or one eighth already there you can become a pro in no time flat.

Special Markings Can Help

There are tape measures that have special markings on them every sixteen inches if your home repair project requires building a wall with studs. Plus ones that highlight every foot on the tape measure and even tell the length itself such as the number “10” on the inch mark that reads one hundred twenty inches. This is a very helpful feature that most people would not think of when looking to buy the perfect tape measure.

Tape Measures Come in Supersize

If your tape measure for your home repair project calls for some longer measurements then you need to buy one where the blade of the tape measure is one inch in diameter. This will provide the ability to lengthen the blade to around seven feet or so before the blade begins to bow and eventually kink over. These tapes come in total lengths of twenty five or thirty feet giving you plenty of tape measure for your repair project. For smaller jobs tapes whose blades are three quarters of an inch in diameter and shorter in total length can be your best buy.

There are tape measures that have a magnet on them providing you with a neat way to attach the tape to any metal object that is magnetic. Allowing you to work hands-free if it also has a sliding lock mechanism securing the tape in place once it is in position.

Details Can Save Time and Money

Some seemingly small details could save you lots of time when buying a new tape measure. One of which is color. Besides your normal Chrome you might consider buying a tape measure that has a fluorescent case. Spending ten minutes looking for your tape can be frustrating or you could step on it accidentally breaking the tape. Check to see if the tape measure has a belt clip on the casing. If your home repair project is on a ladder this can be a great time saver. Lastly check to see if the tape measure is unbreakable or has a protective coating for longer lifespan.

Tape Measures Gone HIgh Tech

Yes, high technology has come the tape measure too. There are digital tapes that automatically read out measurements on a screen making it nearly impossible to make an error. Some can even be switched from reading in inches to a metric scale. One good tip is to make sure you are reading the tape measure right side up. An example is a measurement of “69” would read as “96” if upside down. This may sound funny but it could happen if you are not careful or in a hurry.

Tape measures also come with calculators built in to provide a quick way of costing out a home repair project or add up a materials list. Need a straight line? Well check out a new tape measure that has a built in level and a laser beam. Leave the old straight level in the garage. Hanging some pictures or shelving will be a snap and perfect every time.

Tired of always having to stretch out your tape measure? To the rescue is a new tape measure that automatically runs out by itself. Just press a button and out it comes. Perfect for home repair projects in hard to reach areas or if you are by yourself without anyone to help.

Some things to think about with any tape measure that requires batteries. They tend to be heavier and larger than the standard tape. The fact that they do run on batteries can leave you in a bind if you do not have spares handy. And if living in a cold climate batteries can run down in a hurry if left out in the elements.


As you can now see choosing a perfect tape measure for your home repair project can be a challenge. But if you do proper planning it will be beneficial to buy the right tape measure for your needs. Even if it means having to buy a few different types for various projects it will in the long run save you time and money. After the home repair project is all finished and perfect you will be glad that your trusty tape measure did the job correctly and will be there waiting for the next project.

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