How to Clean Mud: Are You Knee-Deep in Mud?

Is the wet weather making you get knee-deep in mud? Learn how to combat this with some cleaning tricks. Here are a few you’ll want to try.

Carpets. You’ll be tempted to clean it up right away. However, this is a mistake. When mud is tracked inside on the carpet, you need to sprinkle baking soda over it while wet. Afterwards, let it dry and vacuum up. Afterwards, shampoo or clean as usual with your favorite carpet cleaner.

Clothes. The bottom of your pants’ leg, shirt cuffs, and other exposed garments get muddy this time of year. When wet, you can turn them inside out and flush with water. You can do this by just laying them under a faucet. Once the water runs clear, work heavy duty detergent in the area and wash as usual.

Cars. Whether it’s fabric or leather, you should let the mud dry before treating it. After it dries, use the attachment hose on your vacuum to remove all of the mud you can. For fabric, use your favorite carpet cleaner or upholstery cleaner and follow the directions on the container. For leather, wash the area using a moisturizing bar soap such as Dove and wipe clean with a soft cloth.

Shoes. Let mud dry and then vigorously brush your shoes with a shoe brush. Use quick downward strokes rather than circular motions which could grind mud further into your shoe. For leather shoes, clean up any remaining mud with a bar of soap and a soft cloth. On canvas or athletic shoes, use soap as well along with a nail brush.

Other tips. If you hate cleaning up mud and would rather avoid it as much as possible. Employ ways to avoid coming into contact with it or having it come in contact with your world. For carpets, keep a bin or covered area near entrance ways that allow for muddy shoes. Expose as much of your clothing as possible and make sure pants are fitted, so they don’t drag onto the ground. Invest into waterproof shoes or rain boots that can be easily rinsed if muddied. Place mats and towels on the floor of your car that can be removed easily and will collect mud and dirt.

Keep the mud in your life at a minimum this year. Use these cleaning tips and add to them. It’ll help you enjoy all of the rainy weather more.

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