How to Clean Out Your Refrigerator in a FLASH!

Among the most common household chores there are, cleaning out my refrigerator ranks right down there in my estimation. It holds the same thrill as “unclogging the kitchen sink” or “digging the leaves out of the gutters.” My refrigerator isn’t one of those where you’ll find old take out containers, remnants of the Fourth of July picnic in November, or moldy, green unidentifiable globs in containers. Still, I could always figure on spending at least an hour on this boring task. If this sounds familiar, then you need to learn how to clean your refrigerator in a flash, like I did!


1. Get prepared- place one or two coolers by the refrigerator; get a clean, sanitary bucket and fill it half full with lukewarm water. Dissolve a half cup of baking soda in the water and set the bucket beside the refrigerator. Drop a clean dish cloth in the bucket, grab a clean dish towel and you’re ready to go!

2. To clean out your refrigerator in a flash, first unplug your refrigerator and open the freezer door. Remove the contents and place it inside the coolers.

3. Open the refrigerator door and quickly remove all the contents of the first shelf; set them on a nearby table. Use the dish cloth and the bucket of water to wipe off the shelf, as well as the walls of the refrigerator in that section. Wring the cloth out well after each time you rinse it out. But, you’ll still need to use the clean dish towel to dry the inside of the appliance.

4. Check the contents that were on the shelf and return only the edible food items back to the refrigerator. Leave the rest on the table for later disposal. Wipe off jars or bottles of such items as condiments, pickles, jams, jellies, et cetera, right before you put them back in the refrigerator.

5. Move onto the rest of the shelves and repeat steps #3 (except opening the appliance door, of course) and #4. Then, remove and clean any sectioned areas such as veggie bins, fruit bins, et cetera. Replace them and move onto the next step.

6. Quickly remove all of the food items that are located in the door of your refrigerator. To clean out your refrigerator in a flash, use the cloth and the bucket of water, with baking soda mixed in it, to wipe off the shelves. Make sure to clean any sectioned off areas in the door as well. Dry the shelves, walls and sections with the dish towel. Then, again, only replace the edible food items back into the door of your refrigerator. Close the refrigerator door and move onto the next step.

7. Finally, to clean out your refrigerator in a flash, wipe out the freezer part of your refrigerator. Dry it with the towel, and replace only the foodstuff you want to keep. Close the freezer door and you’re done!

Now all you have to do is plug the refrigerator back in, discard the old food and empty the bucket.

Congratulations, you’ve cleaned out your refrigerator in record time!

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