How to Clean Your College Dorm Room or House

Start with the desks and move downward. If you clean the floor first, it will only get dirtier to save yourself time, start with your bed and make sure that all of the clothing is off of it. Then move on to the desk. On the last days of school, everything should be taken off of the desk with the exception of your laptop or your computer which you might need. Take all of your belongings off of the desk and then give it a thorough cleaning with a rag and some kind of detergent or soap. Also make sure that all of the plugs in outlets behind the desk such as the printer cables have been taken out of the outlets and wrapped up into a bag. If you have any papers on your bulletin board above your desk, take them off and put them into a folder. Also make sure that you clean off your desk drawer and wipe it down.
Then move onto your closet. Take all of your clothing and fold it on your bed. Put your clothing into piles such as jeans, shorts, t-shirts, sweatshirts, etc. This will help you pack. By putting the items into neatly folded piles, you will be able to fit more clothing into your bags. In your clothing closet, make sure that all items have been taken out of it and put into a duffel bag. The closet might also have items on a top shelf or onto of the wardrobe and you should take that off as well. Finally, remove the clothing from the lower drawers of the closet as well.
If you have a television or a refrigerator, pull out the plugs and empty out the refrigerator off all food. In the last week of school, start finishing up all of your food. Otherwise, you will just end up throwing it out.
With your toiletries, hygienic products and deodorant stuff, throw out anything that has just a little left because the last thing you want is for stuff like detergent and shampoo to spill all over your clothing.
When you finally get to the floor of your room, make sure that off of your belongings are put away into shopping bags or duffel bags and ready to be sent out. Then sweep all of the dirt and garbage into a pile and then take a garbage bag and start throwing it out. A good tip is to also go through your old papers for classes that you have completed and any paper work you won’t need. This will save space for packing as well.
Finally, take out the trash, lock up the room after you have closed all the windows, hand in your dorm room keys and you’re all set to leave!