How to Clean Your Cooktop and Other Uses for Barkeepers Friend

If you’ve ever used Barkeepers friend then you know how well it cleans stainless steel cookware. It can take the dirtiest pot or pan and make it look shiny and new. If Barkeepers friend works that well on your cookware, then you shouldn’t be surprised at how well it works around your house. Here are some other useful ways to use Bar Keepers Friend:

1) Cleans your cooktop
Bar Keepers Friend does an amazing job at cleaning glass and ceramic cooktops. Watch cooking residues wash away with just a sponge, water, and bar keepers friend.

2) Cleans your sinks
Nothing works better on your sink than Bar Keepers Friend. its especially good for stainless steel sinks since other cleaners may damage them. Dampen your sink with water and sprinkle it with Bar Keepers friend. Use a sponge to scrub all surfaces and then rinse it down the drain.

3) Tile and Grout
Make a paste using Bar Keepers Friend and water. Working in small sections of floor, use a medium bristle toothbrush to scrub this paste onto your grout until the stains diminish. Don’t allow the product to sit on the grout for longer than a minute. Rinse well and let dry. This product can also be used the same way for shower tile and grout.

4) Removing Rust
Bar Keepers Friend will break down rust on metal and isn’t as corrosive as other cleaners. It’s especially handy at removing rust rings from counter tops, and removing rust from items left out in the rain. It’s not just for metal either; It’s safe to use on porcelain, ceramic, and other non porous surfaces.

5) Removing Lime and Water Stains
Bar Keepers Friend does a remarkable job at scrubbing your shower and tubs clean. It assists in removing a variety of water stains, soap scum, and lime from shower doors and tub floors.

As you can see Bar Keepers Friend suits a variety of purposes on top of cleaning your cookware. Use it as an all around cleaner for a variety of household chores, and eliminate the clutter of carrying so many other specific cleaners.

For other uses and information see: Bar Keepers Friend.

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