How to Clean Your Home in 5 Easy Steps Part 5

Welcome to part five, and if you have managed to make it this far, you have most likely seen the huge change in your home in a short amount of time, while also burning off a calorie or two! Now it’s time to wrap it all up, as we have covered every part of the home, or at least, every part of your home that your visitors are likely to see. Read on to see how to finish up the quick fix.

5 – Touch and go. Depending on how much time you estimate that you have until company arrives, it’s time to quickly do any dusting that you might have. Remember though that this is just a detail and that if it comes down to dusting or the dishes, you’re going to want to get those dishes done, so just run right through it. Wipe down your television and any large glass items in the room. You could also take this opportunity to quickly dust off any false houseplants that you might have, but once again, don’t let this turn into a time sink. A little duster on your wood furniture now is nice to do and also leaves a great smell. Repeat these steps as quickly as possible in the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom.

Now for a finishing secret touch, you can take a rag with some full strength Pine Sol, lemon juice, your your favorite scented cleaner and wipe quickly in some strategic areas. The front door doorframe is a good place to start, as it gives your visitors a great clean smelling scent from the moment they walk into the door. Go through your house repeating this step at doorways, randomly on walls, under the edges of counters and anywhere you could use a burst of unexpected freshness. Finish this off by liberally spraying Febreze or your favorite air freshener in each room of the house. You can really finish off the fragrance layering by putting on a pot of water with a few cinnamon sticks in to simmer, filling the kitchen with the hearty scent of warm cinnamon.

Save the vacuuming for last, giving the baking soda plenty of time to work its action into the carpet. Go ahead and use the attachments to get dirt in corners if there is any large buildup.

Finally, go back and get those dishes in the kitchen squared away. This is something that so many people start with first, but for the time it consumes, you can get a lot more done overall in your home in the same amount of time, so definitely put this off until the very end.

And there you go! A reasonably clean home from start to finish in about an hour and fifteen minutes, I hope this plan helps you in a bind and saves you a little time.

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