How to — Clean Your House from Top to Bottom

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen ! At least those of you that are responsible for the cleaning of your house. I know we all hate to clean house but really there is a method that will get it done in record time and get it done right . I find this method easy to start and easy to keep working at until the job is done. Believe it or not , it is even easy to do this with kids around . Granted it is always the easiest without anyone around.

First things first , turn on some music to get you motivated!

I have to say ahead of time though , this does not include your children’s rooms. Children should be able to clean their own rooms. If they do not do it right then time should be set aside for them to learn how to clean it properly.

My favorite cleaners are quite simple , I use Ajax dishsoap and Windex. Yes that is right Windex. I have found that it works well on floors and cabinets.

Always ,always ,always, start in your kitchen first. I have no idea why it is, but once your kitchen is clean the rest of the house just fly’s by. Start in your kitchen literally from top to bottom. Clean the top of the fridge and cabinets then move down to the inside of the cabinets if they need done. While you are in the process of cleaning your cabinets you should make a sink of dishwater in case you run into any dishes that need to be rewashed. once your cabinets are done move down to your counter space and any appliances . I always start with the appliances first ( toaster , microwave , toaster oven etc.. ) Once those are cleaned out move to the stove and refridgerator. Now clean your counters off of all the clutter you accumulated while cleaning and put everything where it goes. Now you are ready to do any dishes that need to be done. Next head down to the bottom cabinets and get those cleaned out. Now on to the floor and waalaa ! your kitchen is clean.

I can not give a specific time allotment for any of your rooms because I am not in your house. I can tell you though that if you stay busy and uninterupted you will have this done in less time than you may think. Steady work with some motivating music will get it done !

My favorite cleaners in the bathroom are bathroom cleaner ( generic brand ) and plain water. If I am moving into a new place I like to use something stronger like bleach. You never know who was in there before.

Next move into your bathroom. In the bathroom I would suggest to start in the bathtub first. Soak your tub down with bathroom cleaner and let it soak while you clean the sink and mirror. I personally clean the mirror with plain water and dry with a towel . no streaks. I clean the sink with bathroom cleaner. Once the sink is done I go back to the bathtub and scrub until it is clean. I then clean the outside of the tub . If there are any other areas to clean in your bathroom clean those first. Lastly clean the toilet. I use bathroom cleaner on it too. Starting at the top of the tank and working your way down clean every surface. Lastly clean those floors and your bathroom should be sparkiling clean.

Dining Room :
If you have one. The best cleaners are your favorite cleaner for your dining room table and endust with a broom to catch cobwebs.

This has to possibly be the easiest room in the house to clean . If you have a china cabinet dust it out and arrange to your perfection. If you have any other cabinet areas claen them to your specifications. Them move on to your Table and chairs and then your floor. This room is always the easiest room to clean.

Living Room :
Favorite cleaners for the living room could include Windex , Endust and a dusting cloth.

In the Living Room I try to work from top to bottom , like the kitchen. I start at the ceiling and clean any cobwebs hanging around. Then move down to the pictures both hanging and on shelves. Dust the pictures and put them back in place. Dust the shelves where the pictures are and put everything back in place. Move down to the end tables and coffee tables and dust and organize them. Move your furniture pieces and clean underneath them and put them back. If you have any knick -Knacks dust them or wash them as needed. Finally move on to the floor and you will be done.

If there are any other rooms in your house other than the above mentioned rooms then always try to follow the top to bottom rule when cleaning. I think you will find this an easy way to clean house. I personally use this method and to clean my house from top to bottom takes me about 2 – 1/2 hours.

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