How to Clean Your House with Three Natural Items You Have in Your Kitchen

With the recent reports of indoor air pollution and environmental toxins, I started thinking. What I found was astounding. Three of the best cleaners can be found right now in your kitchen.
I had a hard time considering kitchen items as cleaning agents until I scoured the shelves of cleaning products at the store. All natural, non-toxic cleaners can easily cost double their poisonous counterparts. At first I had a tough time giving up traditional cleaners but realized that all of the expensive products were advertising the very items I was considering.
“Laundry Soap with baking soda added”
“Window Cleaner, now with vinegar”
“All Purpose Cleaner with real lemon”
By now you have likely guessed the top three cleaners– Baking soda, vinegar and lemon.
Baking Soda
Although most well-known for its odor removing properties, baking soda can be used in many ways.
-Place a box of baking soda in your fridge to absorb food odors.
-Sprinkle baking soda on smelly rugs and vacuum away odors.
-Sprinkle in shoes for quick deodorizing action.
-Baking soda can be used as an abrasive. Sprinkle on the bathtub (or anywhere you use an abrasive) and scrub away the stains
-Add to your laundry for clean smelling clothing.
Vinegar has so many uses that to say “use it everywhere” would be the best description I could come up with. It is truly an ‘all-purpose’ cleaner.
-Spray onto counter tops, stoves, fridge etc and wipe down.
-Clean bathtub, sinks and toilets as well as floors in the bathroom. Use to dissolve hard water and get rid of toilet rings.
-The best glass cleaner available and great for mirrors as well.
-Gets rid of pet urine odor. Spray on pet stains and the smell disappears.
-Vinegar is a natural fabric softener, use in your laundry for soft clothes without the itchiness.
Lemon is another multi purpose cleaner with the added bonus of a clean, fresh scent.
-Lemon quickly removes soap scum and hard water deposits.
-Mix with baking soda to create a super-powered cleaning paste.
-Two parts olive oil to one part lemon juice makes a great furniture polish.
-To get rid of garbage disposal odor, grind �½ lemon.
There are many other items in your kitchen that you can eventually add into your cleaning repertoire but by using just these three items you will have a clean and healthy house that is good for both you and the environment.