How to Clean Your Refrigerator

Refrigerators can quickly become a breeding ground for bacteria. With the leftovers, and other items that could be left in the fridge for ages, it is a good idea to check for expiry dates regularly, and do a daily check of any items that might no longer belong in the fridge. There are many people that wait until the absolute last moment possible to clean the refrigerator when items are covered in mildew or mold, and the surfaces have caked on food, and seem impossible to clean. What products should be used to clean the refrigerator? In my home, I prefer to use products that are natural, environmentally friendly, and chemical free. I prefer chemical free products to be used everywhere in my home, but my fridge is one place that I am not willing to sacrifice for. Many companies make products with natural ingredients so none of the chemicals interact with your food.

The first thing to do when cleaning out a refrigerator is to remove all of the food, and place it on the counter or in a large box until you are finished cleaning. Have your cleaning solution ready to apply to fridge, and scrub any residue that is left on the surfaces within the fridge. The light bulb can be turned off, so it is not wasted if this is going to be long process. If the food is going to be out of the refrigerator for a long period of time, it may be a good idea to store the food in a cooler or extra fridge.

The next step to cleaning the refrigerator is to remove the shelves, and the drawers that are in the bottom of the fridge. Many times, there is grime and dirt inside of these drawers and behind them. They can be easily cleaned in a sink full of hot and soapy water.

Next, remove the debris from the fridge with a cloth, than go back and clean the surfaces one more time to sanitize. Once the fridge has been cleaned, and each surface has been sanitized the food can be replaced into the refrigerator. This is a perfect time to check the expiry dates on the items, and make sure that they are still good to eat.

There are tips that can help to keep your refrigerator as clean as possible, and keep bacteria growth to a minimum. The temperature should be kept at low levels and baking soda can be kept in the fridge to avoid any scents from lingering from leftovers, and food.

Don’t forget about the outside of the fridge. They can often become filthy from grime and hand prints; clean the outside with a cleaning solution of hot, soapy water for the best results.

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