How to Clean Your Stove Top Cheaply and Toxin Free

The cooking stove top is an oft used part of every kitchen, even if you just make tea in the morning. What ever is on the stove when you boil that tea water will surely burn in place. Keeping the stove top in shape is a chore that no one relishes.
With a son and a husband who cook, and they both are very messy cooks, I need an easy method that works fast and I need to be able to afford to use it frequently. My favorite cleaner for the burnt on stove spots is catsup! That’s right, that tomato based condiment that is used to top a teenager’s hamburgers. Listen, I will tell you how it can clean your stove top painlessly!
Wipe off any loose dirt, bits of dried vegetable water or meat fat spatter from the stove top that will come up with a damp sponge. Next apply a good layer of catsup to the sticky, burnt on areas around the burners, You should not be able to see the burnt areas through the catsup. Now wait, possibly clean the floor. You will need to wait about an hour.
When you come back after that hour, the burnt bits will come off like butter. Use a soft scrubby cleaning tool, the burnt bits just melt away. This method works well for burnt on pot or pan bottoms too. I use it often after camping, nothing blackens on pot n pans like a campfire.
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You may need to reapply the catsup if your stove has been severely neglected and wait a bit more but only if the stove is in deep burnt on condition. Eventually the catsup will eat through the burnt food stuff and your efforts will make you smile. You will have a nice shiny clean stove top.
To wipe up the catsup off, I remove most of it with a dry paper towel after the burnt bits are all loosened. The remaining smears of catsup can be wiped up easily with a spray bottle of cheap white vinegar and a damp sponge. If it is a gas range be careful to clean out the ignition source well and clean the gas ports of any red flecks, otherwise you will reduce the efficiency of the burner.
You will no longer need to hide your burners behind big frying pans or foil liners, they will sparkle. Smile you can be proud of your kitchen and it’s primary appliance. You will no longer be a slave to those expensive cleaning products and their toxic fumes that make you and your family ill. You will breath easier and have a better looking kitchen. As a bonus you get to keep more of your hard earned money.
OOps, I’m out of catsup. See you later, I’m running out for some now.