How to Clean Your Windows in an Eco Friendly Way

Use Green Soap, Water, A Scrub Brush And A Squeegie
The outside of the windows must be washed with soap and water, but that does not mean you have to use soap that contains harsh chemicals. There are plenty of soaps on the market today that are earth friendly. Dish soap is fine for washing windows as it will remove all of the dirt and debris from the outside and inside of the windows. Once the windows are clean and have been squeegied dry, you may want to make them really sparkle in an environmentally friendly way.
Use White Vinegar And Newspaper
Cleaning your windows for fall seems to be a daunting task, but can be done easily, affordably and best of all, environmentally friendly if you follow these tips to clean your windows in a bio friendly way. White vinegar and newspaper will get your windows to shine. Old newspaper should be crumpled up and the white vinegar applied to the paper. This is the most environmentally way to get your windows to shine and is also the most economical. You have just found a way to recycle the newspaper and saved on using paper towels or rags. And the vinegar, an age old remedy for shining windows, will work much better than the toxic window cleaners that are on the market today. Wait for an overcast day to wash your windows as the sun will cause streaks. Fill a pail with some environmentally friendly dish soap and warm water. Using a soft brush, wash the windows gently and then rinse them with another pail of clean water. You can then use the squeegie to remove the excess water and make the windows look clean without leaving any water spots or streaks.