How to Clean a Coil Stove

In my twenties I had my own house cleaning business. Plus, I married young at age 21 years old so I know a thing or two about how to clean a stove. Here are directions and my tips on how to clean a coil stove:

What You Will Need:

Dish soap
Sponge with bristle on one side
Mr. Clean
Scrubbing Bubbles
Paper Towel
*Possible oven cleaner -brand of your choice

First, take anything you have sitting off of the back of the stove. Take all of the knobs off of the stove, too. They should easily pull off and slide back on. Pull out the coils of the four burners. Now take the burner drip pans where food, over boiled water, etc. fall, out of the stove top.

Have warm soapy water in the kitchen sink. Put the knobs in the sink to soak.

Take Scrubbing Bubbles and spray down your burner drip pans. Let sit.

While the knobs and burner drip pans are waiting, take a sponge and a bucket of water mixed with Mr. Clean to whip down the stove. Follow mixing instructions on the back of the Mr. Clean bottle. You may want to use a sponge with bristle on one side for tough spots. Start at the top and get any dirt and/or stuck on grease well with the sponge and Mr. Clean/water mixture.

Next work your way down to the area that says “bake”, the temperature and where all of the knobs were.

Wipe down well with sponge, water and Mr. Clean mixture. Be sure to get the area by the clock as I find that area seems to get the dirtiest.

In the openings where the burners go, generally you will find a lot of crumbs. You can either wipe that down or take a vacuum cleaner attachment and vacuum them out quicker. Just be sure to have your stove unplugged and no water on the stove. If you do unplug your stove, that would be a good time to quick vacuum behind the stove. Especially if you have animals or little children. Animals hair likes to hide there and children’s toys make a home there!

Next wipe down the top of the stove with the sponge, water / Mr. Clean mixture. Scrub extra hard on areas where the burners were as that area tends to have more stuck on burnt food.

Take Windex and spray down the top and front of stove where knobs go. Wipe down with paper towel and dry. Spray top of stove. The Windex will give your stove an extra added shine.

Wash knobs with sponge. Wash burners. Dry with a soft towel.

*For extra stuck on food on the drip pan burners, use oven cleaner to get food off instead of Scrubbing Bubbles. Use same method by spraying the drip pan burners and letting sit for recommended time on the oven cleaner bottle.

Put knobs back onto stove. Put drip pan burners back onto stove. Place coils back into stove.

Wipe the handle and front of stove down with sponge. Be sure to pull out bottom drawer and wipe down the handle there. A lot of crumbs gather there. Spray with Windex and wipe down for final sparkling touch.

Tip: Buy black burner drip pans instead of the stainless steel looking ones. They will appear cleaner at all times than the stainless steel looking burners!

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