How to Clean a Glass Top Stove

When I first got my glass top stove, I was so excited. It was beautiful and improved the look of the entire kitchen. Then, I used it. Oops. No matter what I did, or how clean I was when I cooked, the stove top was always dirty and spotted. Nothing seemed to get it clean, not even the little bottle of stove top cleaner I got when I bought the stove. After trying everything under my kitchen sink that was safe to use on glass, I finally found a solution: plain old baking soda.

Cleaning your glass top stove to perfection is simple and easy. Baking soda is cheap and you can finish the job in less than ten minutes. First, make sure the stove top is cooled down completely and free of any debris. I usually do a wipe down with a bleach wipe, same as I do on countertops. Allow the surface to dry.

Next, take a squirt bottle filled with water and, using the spray function (not squirt) on the nozzle, lightly spray all spots you want removed. Sprinkle baking soda over those areas. It doesn’t take much, so don’t go hog wild, just make sure a decent amount of baking soda is fully covering any spots. Allow the baking soda to set for about five minutes.

Last, take a normal rag or towel, dampen it, and wipe up. All the spots will come up with the baking soda and your stove will look brand new. For very tough spots, you may need to allow the baking soda to set for a bit longer than five minutes.

If you have been dealing with a spotted stove top for awhile and those spots have repeatedly heated and cooled when you used the stove, I’d give the first round of cleaning about 15 minutes to set before wiping. Chalk this up to another wonderful way to use baking soda as a hassle free cleaning solution in the home.

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